It is true!
I now have irrefutable proof of my fame! Or at least, it looks like that! *snorts*
You see, there's this fic on
I haven't read the whole fic, only the last chapter. Someone pointed me to that very chapter because of what seemed like a series of really 'curious coincidences'. Now, as far as I'm concerned, the rest of the fic may have nothing on me, but this chapter... well:
POINT ONE: Gaara goes to Naruto and convinces him to let Gaara give him a blowjob. As a memory. Something he may have. Even if Naruto decides he doesn't love Gaara.
Now, this really did strike me as similar to another fic of mine, but I figured... nah. It's a pretty typical fanfic-plotline so I doubt it's related. I kept on reading anyway.
Then came POINT TWO: In which there's a series of sentences that started sounding more and more mysteriously similar to lines I wrote in Haven. Now, they're not a case a copy-pasta. It's more like a paraphrasing. What floors me about this one is that, if she's capable of paraphrasing so well, why bother lifting stuff off someone else's work? Check it out:
What I wrote: "The more I think about it, the more I see myself visiting him and spoiling his kids rotten."
What she wrote: "I want to be the guy who comes over to his house on Sundays and spoils his kids rotten while he while calls me an asshole and a dropout.".
What I wrote: "I’m not in love with you, but I care about you Gaara. I want that to be more."
What she wrote: "I'll always be close with him Gaara. And while I may not be in love you, I would like to learn how."
What I wrote: “I hope your never become Hokage,” he declared incisively.
“Whaat!? Why!?”
“With that mouth of yours, Konoha will be at war with every single country on the map.”
What she wrote: "I hope you don't plan to one day use those same word skills at a Kage diplomacy meeting."
He blinked, "Why?
"Because, Konoha will be at war with everyone."
So, is this a case of paranoia, or is it really my IRREFUTABLE PROOF OF FAME? XD
EDIT: For your amusement, the chapter in question: EDIT2: It wasn't paranoia! It's faaaaaaaaaaaame. *snicker*
This post was brought to you by Sunday-Morning boredom. :D