Today was okay

Feb 05, 2007 18:23

The morning was actually bearable unlike Friday. We had this really cool subsitute today. While the lesson plan was kind of stupid, it wasn't his fault. We're apparently going to finally get a real teacher on Wednesday. It's really pathetic, though, because Zapata quit like A MONTH AGO and they're just now giving us a new teacher.

Also, I have a history quiz tomorrow and I can't study for it because I had an appointment at the office and missed like a quarter of English and the entire history review session. I wish I had something really exciting to share with the world on this LiveJournal, but I don't. I'm almost getting confuzzled because this is like the fourth blog I've made in a year.

For the first time that I can remember, I didn't feel like dying of exhaustion and stress and the stupidity of my classmates during English and Theatre History. Wait, there was some stupidity during Theatre History but whatev. It wasn't as bad as it normally is.

Oh, and total non-news flash: I got into like my 100,000th fight with Morgan today. And Ari the Dancer was being the King of Annoying Jerks today. Yeah, that's another non-news flash. I really miss ninth grade. I didn't fight with Morgan every day last year. I didn't have to deal with a complusive liar who also likes to flirt with me just to irritate. I had a great group of supportive friends who, unlike Nate and Schyler, don't suddenly disappear by sixth period. Even though there was that whole stalker thing going on last year, it seems really minor in comparison to all the drama that's been going on this year.

Oh, but I forget. I'm in the Theatre emphasis at OSA now. I guess I'm supposed to be experiencing all this drama and conflict. Perhaps it'll like improve my writing or something. haha.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHASE! Mommy loves you!

annoying people, confusion, teachers, school, anger, friends

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