It'd be really nice...

Mar 02, 2007 19:24

It'd be really, really nice if Sarah and A (remember ABC from our conversation at the ACT, Chasey?) would talk to me, in a normal conversation, and not just a long list of all my failings and faults and things I need to change or negative adjectives/nouns to describe me.

That'd be really, really nice.

I'm really just kind of angry about what happened during Playwriting today. They were like "oh, you do this and you do that and you're this and you're that." Using words and phrases I've never been called before. It's really, really funny because I almost never talk to A and you'd think that they wouldn't know me at all and wouldn't have the supposed knowledge to tell me all this stuff.

But I guess they do. From like magic or something. idk.


anger, angst

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