I am bored and my head hurts. Not as much as it did couple of hours ago, but I can still feel the sting everytime I take a step. I hate it when it is so hot and then fuck, my migraine kicks in. D: Fuckit.
Leave me a comment and I will give you a letter. Then, go to your journal and post ten things you love starting with that letter. Give your friends letters, too.
suikka gave me P.
Prussia is awesome!
Pigs are cute. <3
Pizzas - you eat burgers, I eat pizzas, mamma mia.
Pirates are hot. When I grow up, I wanna be one. :D
Prison Break is an awesome series.
Piano music is something I could listen forever.
Pffft is a funny noise. :D
Placebo is a band the worth of listening.
Pasta ... PASTA~~<3
...these memes are always so weird. XD Why these kind of memes always... not that I hate Sweden but... I always end up having a some kind of interaction with Sweden. AND SPAIN, and here I thought you are a good guy. D: And Japan, here I liked you through my life and you party when I die, s sad... ah, my Hetalia life is a mess. XD LOL.