OOC: Infopost!

Jan 03, 2014 02:17

Dear Tracy, I'm sorry I didn't get this up before your linkdrop plz don't kill me kthnx <333!

I didn't have time this week to find new gifs for everyone, so here's the (slightly outdated) infopost for my older folks. Now, onto the new guy!

The Canon:

Atticus O'Sullivan is the main character in the Iron Druid series by Kevin Hearne, which is an urban fantasy that has been likened to the Dresden Files... but I've never read those books so I'm just taking everyone's word on that. :) Like most urban fantasies, the world of The Iron Druid has vampires, werewolves, witches, and other such supernatural things all hidden away from normal folks, but there are also pantheons of gods to be dealt with - every god or goddess who has anyone worshipping them is real; the more followers a god has, the more powerful they are, while those who lose followers become less powerful and have the potential to stop existing completely.

The Guy:

I swear he's gonna have more icons as soon as I stop drooling over them all and pick the ones I want but nngghh bless Hugh Dancy and his face.

All right, let's break this down into the important parts:

Atticus O'Sullivan is the last Druid in the world, ooh ahh. His real name is Siodhachan O Suileabhain, but Atticus O'Sullivan is what he will be going by once he gets to Fandom because he is on the run from an angry Celtic god that he pissed off a couple of centuries ago. Gods hold grudges forever. He's a little over 2000 years old, but he's physically in his 20's thanks to a magical tea recipe that he calls Immortali-tea. Yes, he thinks that's hilarious. No, he's not going to share. Now, because he's a Druid and the protagonist of an urban fantasy series, he's got approximately a zillion powers:

He has magical tattoos!
Atticus has a series of tattoos down the right side of his body from shoulder to foot which allow him to draw energy from the earth so he can fight without getting tired (for ultimate badassery), travel between astral planes (no Snape jokes omg), and change into different kinds of animals (Fandom's going to have a field day with that, mwahaha). These tattoos also give him energy to heal himself up as long as he's got contact with the earth... which requires him to lie naked on the ground for a while to heal. You're welcome in advance, Fandomites.

He can read auras!
This is probably the one that will affect people the most. Atticus has a magical amulet that allows him to cast a spell to read someone's aura and figure out what they are (werewolf, vampire, witch, etc.), which he does on the regular because he's spent the last couple hundred years being chased around the world by a crazy god and it's made him a liiiittle paranoid. The amulet also makes Atticus's aura look like it's made out of iron, hence the title of the series. If you have a character that can see auras, I am totally cool with you noticing Atticus's. On the flip side, I'm only going to have Atticus be able to tell what type of supernatural people's characters are if I have permission, so if you're cool with Atticus recognizing that, let me know below. As a guideline, he is familiar with werewolves, vampires, witches, demons, demigods, and actual gods, but since he's used to his own version of them, it would make total sense for him to not be able to sense someone's specialness here.

Oh hey important note I almost forgot! Atticus is totes cool with most supernatural creatures but he does not like witches, because 99.9% of the witches in the book series are evil and out to get him in some way. He will be very apprehensive of any witches in Fandom until he learns that you're safe and not going to steal his body parts for your spells.

He's got a lot of other random skills because he's old!
- He can make things invisible, although it's a constant strain on his energy. He mostly uses this to hide himself when he's doing the naked healing thing, but in canon, supernatural folks can sense him and sometimes see through it. For the record and all. Mwahaha.
- He can bind natural things together. For example, he can bind the cotton threads of someone's pants together to make them unable to walk, or bind a pinecone to someone's head so it looks like they've been randomly attacked by nature. It's mostly for shits and giggles, but it's also the way druids get around the big limitation on their power which is...
- If he ever intentionally harms someone with any of his powers, he'll be permanently cut off from the earth. That, however, means directly harming with a direct power, not using his powers to strengthen himself so he can lop someone's head off, or binding the threads of someone's pant legs together so they fall over and crack their head open or something. Ah, loopholes.
- His amulet blocks any spells thrown at him but of course that's not going to be 100% effective in Fandom. Mwahahaha.
- In addition to his Immortali-tea, he can brew regular medicinal teas for things like energy renewal, minor healing, sex enhancement, etc. These teas he will share - he'll be selling them out of the clinic.
- He speaks 42 languages: among them are Greek, Latin, Russian, German, and Old Norse.
- He can mimic the dialects of those he's speaking to after a few minutes, which he mainly does to blend in and put people at ease so he doesn't appear to be an outsider.
- He's pretty badass with a sword, and he has a very special sword called Fragarach, the Answerer. It's a magical sword that forces anyone being touched by its blade to tell the truth and it's the reason he's on the run because he kind of picked it up on a battlefield after the Celtic god of love dropped it and then refused to give it back. Finders keepers!
- Oh, and he's awesome in bed. Hey, when you've got 2000 years to practice...

There are probably things I'm leaving out but it's late and this has gone on for long enough already. TL;DR version:

  • Atticus is a really old, really badass Druid.
  • He can turn into animals, cast spells, and is awesome with a sword.
  • He ends up without clothes a lot (after turning back into a human, when he's healing...)
  • He can read people's auras to tell what they are but will only do so with OOC permission below.
  • Whatever language you speak, he probably knows it.
  • If you are of legal age and are looking for sexy funtimes, he will probably not say no.

I think that's it! Questions? Concerns? Requests for further gifs?


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