Title: The Big Day
Claim: Danny "Phantom" Fenton
Rating: G
Word Count: 534
Notes: Guess who gets married? DannyxSam
Theme: 46. Star
I straightened my collar for the umpteenth time. I had to look perfect. Today was "the day".
"Having second thoughts?" my best friend inquired.
"W-what if it doesn't work out? Maybe-..." He cut me off.
"You waited until now to deal with this? Relax, this is what you want. You've been talking my ear off about how much you care and if even half of it is true, you have nothing to worry about." That didn't help me to relax. My frown deepened.
"Maybe we went too fast. This is after all the final step. Maybe we should wait a few more years, just to be sure." Tucker groaned as if he had heard this line too many times before.
"If you two wait any longer, I swear I'm gonna die of old age." Seeing his best friend's face still full of doubts and uncertainly, his face softened. "Look man, do you love-"
"With all my heart." came the words without hesitation. Tucker smiled and shrugged.
"That that's all that matters."
"Some help you are." I elbowed him in the side. He rubbed it gingerly.
"I should really stop talking." he muttered and I laughed, the stress momentarily forgotten.
"Yeah! You never know when you're going to be stuffed into a locker."
"Or a thermos. Three times."
"You're never going to let that die, are you?" I said, a full grin on my face.
"It's my duty as best friend to remember all the embarrassing stuff. After all, I am Kick-Ghost-Butt-Member #2." I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh great. You've named yourself." Looking at my nonexistent watch, I gave a mock gasp of shock. "Oh my! Look at the time. I've got a wedding to catch." I checked myself in the mirror one last time and regretted it. It only reminded me of all my worries and "what ifs". But, already committed to escaping Tucker's annoying banter, I had no choice but to go forward.
As I passed windows, I thought about how easy it would be for me to just disappear through them. Given a little more time and, I'm sure I would have. Nervous, I clasped my hands together, wringing them.
The walk took forever. Everystep I took seem to take me further, not closer, to the altar. But I reached it and there we were, standing side by side, afraid to look at each other, as if to admit that yes, this was truly happening; that it was no dream. We spoke our vows and the rings were taken and donned.
That was when we had the courage to look at each others face. Those eyes, they glistened like stars; so much full of wonder and mystery.
Black hair, carefully arranged, complemented that beautiful face, perfectly.
"I do."
My heart pounded as I lifted the veil and everything about him became more bright and colourful. As I gazed into those wondrous blue coloured eyes, I knew. We had not rushed. This was what we both wanted. His strong, gentle hands laid themselves on my shoulders and I smiled as I leaned in for that kiss that I had been waiting for my whole life.
A life we would now have, together.