"it's not my fault i'm gaassy"

Dec 26, 2005 15:52

Well, it was Christmas yesterday as the world might know. It was a lot better than i had thought it would be since my siblings only wanted money. But when we came downstairs there were many a presents to be found. Now keep in mind my family never gets big things or pricey things, but its christmas to us so back off ya spoiled kids *cough lindsey cough*. Here's my list of things:
1. awesome Fall Out Boy shirt from timmy poo
2. cute roxy wallet from hilary
3. best of will ferrell 2 from john
4. beatles picture with a real film negative from "Hard Days Night" so cool
5. Sound of Music dvd
6. The Little Big Book of Art which is really cool
7. Fab Four christmas album (hilarious)
8. 2 little gift cards
9. $100 cash
There was also a few family presents like a couple dvd's and games and such.

That was christmas is the Wallet family. I need to go shopping now.

Other than christmas i've been sick for the last 3 or so days. I feel a lot better today, but still need to rest. That part has been pretty crappy. The only positive side is i lost 5 pounds. woot.

well, i don't have much to do until i leave for florida and i should be better by then.
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