ok seriously andrea needs to get over it! u can like whoever u want and so can gabe so if u and gabe like eachother too bad for her! dont let her change how u feel bout gabe at all..not that it will. i love u so much and everything is gonnab great between u and gabe! love u! kaitlin
ok kaitlin DONT get all pissy at me... but like you didnt really know the story and truth behind me being kinda upset.. so PLEASE try not to like say crap about me until you know the facts...
thank you!! seriously... THANK YOU! lol... thats really just what pissed me off.. is the whole two-faced thing ya know? and thats kewl that you like him... hes kinda like the guy youll always have feelings for.. like me for zach.. duude that feels sooooooo long ago haha k well best of luck with that whole thing... umm tell me if you didnt get the message i left you on aim (which woulda been at like 3 something in the morning on... sat..) lol
Comments 3
dont let her change how u feel bout gabe at all..not that it will.
i love u so much and everything is gonnab great between u and gabe!
love u!
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