Paquita <3

May 30, 2005 20:10

friday - lets see .. friday i went to the mall w/ lena nd andrew - we touched up on our languages lol nd played on the libby lu board for like 15 minutes [5 times!!!] haha then we went to applebees w/ the girlies [ lena kristina ife jenn geness april arielle ] after that me nd lena went to the walk nd chylled then headed to the alehouse nd then she slept at my house

saturday - my brothers b/day .. me him nd kris went to see the longest yard its SUCH a good movie!! um then we went back to my house nd ate cake nd me nd kristina went back to her house nd had schmirnoff nd went to blockbuster nd on the way back we saw jenn ife christy sara jaimie nd andrea but we had to leave cuz someone didnt want me there. so then we went back to kris house nd chylled for a while then around 11 we met up w/ frank nd chylled w. him nd walked around the block .. at like 12 i had to pee so i went to emilys nd used her bathroom nd she walked w/ us for a while . around 1 she went home nd me kris nd frank walked up to cvs nd then kristin was talking in spanish nd i was translating lol at like 2 - 2:30 we went inside and i brought the coconut frank ripped outa the tree nd i gave it a face nd named it paquito [lol] around 3 we went in the pool / jacouzi .. we started watching the forgotten at like 4 but then we went to sleep.

sunday - we woke up at like 2 lol um then we watched the forgotten .. the whole thing but it was a lil too weird for me i tried to climb up her wall but i kept falling so i slid down nd did the YMCA lol ! then at like 430 my parents came nd we went to cassies nd we chylled over there nd frank came over nd we ate then went to baskin robbins nd i got a clown ice cream nd they made fun of me ! i wonder why?! lol half way home frank threw my ice cream on the floor =[ i was so upset um we jus hung out nd went in the pool i went home at 11 30 nd went to sleep

monday - woke up at 1230 .. chylled w/ luis

1.5 days left of school !!!
1 days till the trip!!

i cant wait for summer omg !!!!!!!!!! xoOox comment?
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