(no subject)

Apr 09, 2004 03:36


It's been a while since I've written anything, so here's the annual report.

I finally got in touch with the illusive Angel recently, and we went shopping. IT was actually quite enjoyable for the both of us, no doubt, because when I'm with him, I repress him from making ridiculously expensive buys. I mean who in the HELL pays 95 freaking dollars for a pair of bloody pants? Sweet ba-jesus!
...in short, Angel bought one outfit and two nice over shirts for the price of the jeans I talked him out of...
But then, this is the same guy that bitches and moans about me talking him out of purchasing some 300 dollars for a leather jacket that looks like it was left on the highway for 2 days...But what-eva

He should be using his money more wisely anyway.
...such as buying me presents! For I can never have too many presents!

On a brighter note, after much convincing, I think me and Brandon may end up going to the park with him on Saturday...as long as he can hold his Brandon-phobia at bay... I swear, if I had some sort of crush on some one, I would be under their feet like a puppy, rather than running from the person.... But in retrospect, I guess me and Angel are into two totally different kinds of masochism when it comes to relationships anyway :D.

Although...I doubt that we would be such good friend if I couldn't read him so easily...which isn't too hard because it's like looking into a mirror sometimes, which reminds me of this other situation that recently occurred. While I was putting my portfolio together, Gabe, the local computer geek of the school (I've seen him working on his lab top while WALKING DOWN STAIRS. My slight phobia of falling down stairs aside...the fuck?) informed me that there was an argument going on outside. What made this significant, was the fact that it was between these two guys that Brandon and I (HA! I finally used proper grammar! Booya!) met during one of our annual trips to the mall (I go for manga....I would have to say Brandon does it for the free samples...there's no other explanation). They were a couple, and enjoyed showing us their affections for one another more than once. So, for some unknown reason they decided to come hang out with us. It was sort of strange... I told them that the latest Blade of the Immortal comic was out and it was gruesome *IR geek king!* because they waved at us, and I knew that the one guy (I don't know his name T.T) , from my ONE conversation we've had enjoys Feudal Japan manga and anime. They left for about 5 minutes before they came back. ANY WAY, the point to my madness is, while he was jump and jiving with me while we joked around a bit (Brandon sat their in dull horror at the prospect of these new people, and the guy which-will-go-nameless-because-of-my-stupidity's boyfriend, Andrew laughed as I made fun of his boyfriend...) and after all was said and done, I felt so utterly depressed.

I have never seen such a fake personality on anyone before. It was painful to watch. I guess I'm a bit more sensitive to such things, because I used to use similar tactics (and still do to an extent...) What made the fight signifigant, is I went into the art room to get my bag and over heard angry voices. What bothers me is, when I came back 15 minutes later, there was the guy hanging on to one of his female friends, joking and laughing like everything was allright...the same as it was in the mall.

I don't know...that really effected me, in ways I find difficult to express. Just kinda hurts to see such things.
But enough of the bad....
Moving along, I'm about to take up Dark Ages again. Which means, Anthony, you should give me the names of your characters so we can play, for I'm a sad and lonely Panda...

And speaking of Pandas...

I recently acquired a copy of Zoo Tycoon...And Panda Bears suck. No wonder the little bastards are going extinct... They won't get jiggy with it if there's even one blade of grass in their sodding pen! But then again, I suppose the game isn't very accurate to how animals actually breed and such saying I started wit 2 salt water crocodiles and ended up with about fifty every hour, meaning I had to keep selling the bastards in order to keep them happy. Oh the miracles of inbreeding. Truly delightful. I've learned so much from videogames...
But honestly, the bloody Chocobo Breeding in Final Fantasy 7 was effected by inbreeding! They could have added SOMETHING to make it abit more realistic so I could actually PLAY the game instead for selling salt water crocodiles and eventually getting frustrated, causing me to set all the animals loose, giggling with glee as hordes of tigers pick people up and shake them, and small pig tailed girls attempt to run from an army of crocodiles...

But when I haven't been causing havoc at the Zoo, I've taken up reading Stephen King novels... I finally got around to reading Misery, and it was quite good. Much better than the movie, because Annie Wilkes was a psychotic bitch...with brain power. I must admit, she was a little stale at times, but the novel turned her into something truly evil. Currently, I'm working on Dream Catcher, and so far, it has stuck to the movie fairly well, except for the rampant perversion that litters the book...which worries me...because the movie had a terrific and frighting beginning that CRASHED AND BURNED INTO FIREY UNHOLY DEATH AS WHAT WAS A HORROR FLICK INTO AN ACTION SCIFI-P.O.S. ONE WOULD EXPECT TO SEE ON THE SCIFI-CHANNEL AS ONE OF THEIR CRAPPY ORIGINAL MOVIES.... Alot of his books shouldn't have been put on the silver screen. They can't protray the complex emotions that his charaters take on. I mean, in Misery, Paul Sheldon, fights not only with Annie, but with an addiction to a codine-based drug, constant pain that is explained with great detail (so vivid!) and his own hatred and love for the book he's forced to write... But now that I think about it, I think every book of his I've read, I've seen the movie first. However, the list of his books I've read can be counted on one hand, so bah....Aliens are scary....and I have very stupid phobias.

...ah well...
no bounce, no play.
No bouce...no play...
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