check out the new tattoo!!
yeah.. it's hot.. and for those of you that don't know, it's from the movie Boondock Saints, it means truth in latin.. and for those of you that HAVE seen it (since it is the greatest movie ever..) i plan on getting the matching tattoo meaning Justice, on my other foot but most likely not until december! and now.. as always, i must rant...
thank you.. (not mentioning names.. though i doubt he'll read this) for treating me like shit. for leading me on, and for trying to use me for sex (though i never gave that up.. i'm not THAT dumb) and for sweet talking me into throwing down over 100 dollars to you that i never saw a cent of paid back to me. thank you for all of it. because you showed me that i deserve so much more than that. and now, you threw me away, for someone uglier, that will never give you what i did. and i hope you're okay with that. becuase now i know i'm worth so much more than assholes like you, that just want to use me and talk me into things that i don't never wanted to do in the first place. thank you for showing me how much better i am than you.. it makes me smile every day to know that i no longer fall for worthless assholes like you :-)