Feb 28, 2005 17:27
wow, i havent updated in about 2 weeks--- other than near mental breakdowns, nothing much has happened. my mere bear and i had an awesom weekend about a week ago-- haha, next time, we will def. have what we were looking for lmao. and to all the valley forge guys, sorry again about the ball. im probably gonna take a road trip down there, hopefully soon but it might not be till april. :/ you guys are awesome when you dont let your friends steal the phone lol.
the usual stuff is going on, college, school, field hockey, blah blah blah--- from march 28- april 30, im doing college visits all over PA at the places I hope to apply to and possibly get accepted. so far, the list includes bucknell, lehigh, dickinson,and gettysburg. my #1 right now is bucknell but after i see the campuses, ill know better. i take the new SATs in about 2 weeks. so my life is full steam ahead and soon enough, ill be a senior graduating. its kinda scary but im anxious to start the rest of my life. im gonna miss my peoples :(15 months and i graduate--- some people think thats alot of time but if you think about what i have to get done--- do college visits, take midterms and finals for college, take finals for high school, take SATs numerous times, work everyday this summer to earn money, do field hockey for half the summer and the beginning of fall semester, start my senior year of high school (WOOO HOO), basically repeat what i did this year with wilkes and field hockey, then spring semester do another college cours, hopefully get accepted to the college of my dreams, do final preparations for graduating and then DUN DUN DUNNNNN-- graduation :):):) and that fills out my next 15 months--- in between all this crap, i need to make time for my friends, my family, overnight stays at colleges, etc. so again i say, do you really think 15 months is a long time??
Heres a little survey for my buddies out there (new and old)-- do you think that over the past 8 months I have changed??? tell me the little and big things-- it gives you something to do-- and if you dont know what i was like 8 months ago, ask. i guarantee im a completely different person--- and mere, laura, gina, all you guys, from back in the end of freshie year, how much have i changed hahaha lmao-- jaw dropping right
just interesting to consider-- oo i have officially created a new course at hoban hahahahah suck that fr. jenking and mrs. thomas :D