Mar 30, 2007 17:12
Well, it's been a long process, but it's over. I'm going to Hartt in the fall, and I've decided that I'm really happy about it. I should have realized earlier - and I know this probably isn't an indication of anything - but seriously at my Hartt audition, I felt way more at ease than either of the other schools. It is probably because the two Boston schools were my top choices, but I think a part of it was just that the people at Hartt were so nice. The two guys doing my audition really made an attempt to converse with me and try to find out about me - and not in a fake way either. And they reacted to my monologues - which is always better than performing to virtual statues - and just overall made me less nervous. So if going to Hartt is anything like that experience I think I should be very happy.
I got into Emerson, but they only gave me three thousand in loans so....yeah that wasn't an option. And plus, I think I like the theater program at Hartt way better anyway. And Lindsay got into JMU which makes me sooooo happy!
It's really beginning to sink in that we only have a couple more months, and then we are gone from high school forever. I'm ecstatic and excited and all that, but of course a part of me is a little sad. Not really even because I'm friends with a great number of the people in my grade, but more because leaving these people (many of whom I've gone to school with since early elementary school - if not kindergarten) is like an affirmation that my life is going to be forever changed in only a very short while. That sounds so dramatic, and I know that in the long run, high school really does not hold that much importance on one's life. But right now is all I have to go on, and right now it's kind of a huge step. The fact that I may never see some of these people again can make me happy or sad, depending on the day. But the fact of the matter is, that these people who I've gone to school with have represented a kind of stability in my life thus far. To have that altered so suddenly is a tad bit daunting - but really really exciting. Maybe this is so strange to me because I have watched four groups of people I know graduate (thank you drama club) over the past years and it is extremely odd to be in the position that I've longed and waited for.
Well, that was my reflection for the day. I guess I'm going through the typical senior thing - the whole "Whoa! I'm leaving". But I am completely decided on one aspect of my life: I am SOOOOO ready for summer. I'm waiting to hear the peepers and frogs in the pond near my house, cause that always lets me know. Once I hear that, there can be no worries. Well...I guess for me there can. I worry about any and everything I possibly can. I even worry about worrying. Try to figure that one out, because I certainly can't.
Oh well, I think I'm done now. I got all that out, so what's left to say?