Oct 22, 2006 20:44
I feel like death warmed over.
I love that expression. Anyway, so I took a cold pill this morning and it did...ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!
WTF? Aren't they supposed to work? They usually do. Maybe I have a mutant cold. Awesome. Maybe I won't go to school tomorrow though, cause it IS Monday. And let's face it - whenever possible we like to skip Monday's. And having an excuse is even better. The way I'm feeling now I could definitely not function in a learning environment, no siree.
The Chili Peppers concert was AMAZING. We weren't very close, lol, but it was still crazy and awesome. And the Mars Volta were INTENSE. The only really sucky part was walking there from Haymarket, cause we got caught in a heavy downpour and by the time we were there we might as well have jumped in a bathtub fully clothed. And then after the concert we got off at the wrong bus stop and got lost in Chelsea at one in the morning. That was an adventure.
But I had a good time, anyway. Getting to see Austin was nice.
Except I think that walking in the cold rain did not help me with this cold. Ah well.
Hey, I just realized if I take the day off tomorrow I can work on my Hartt application. Good thinking, girl.
I hate being cold and hot at the same time. I never know quite what to do with myself. To sweater or not to sweater, that is the question.
Looking at that last comment I've decided I'm delirious as well. At least my mom is making a scrumptious dinner: roast chicken with stuffing and cranberry sauce. Yum. After that I think I'll watch the Producers. Screw psychology homework. I read for English and that's about the extent of my studiousness for today. And that was only because I'm always afraid of Dr. Venuti's disappointed gaze if I don't do my work. I'd rather die than have him disappointed in me. I'd feel like shit in a basket with onion rings.
Ok, enough. I'm going to...do something. Bye.