Oct 27, 2008 12:20
The Random Bizarre Survey
How are you?: Bored/Awake
Why are you taking this survey?: Im Booooooored
Do you know what DDR is?: Huh?
If so, what level are you at?: No Idea
What is your name?: Lyn
What...is your favorite COLOR?: Pink
What time is it?: 12:22 pm
Do you like your computer?:No Its A Work Comp
What color are the walls in your room?: White
If they are colored, did you paint them? If so, why?: Nope
How many hours do you spend playing video games?: 3 if its guiatr hero and im drunk
(ditto) Watching Television?: a few
(ditto) Reading?: Couple
What grade are you in at school?: graduated
Do you have a sport?: God No
If so, are you good at it?: Nope me and Sports Dont Get Along
Do you have voices that speak to you in your head?: No Not That I CAN hEAR
If so, have you named them?: Um No
Do you consult your voices in normal situations?: Well If I cant Hear Them and Havent Nmaed Them Then I Dont Consult Them Either
What type of house do you live in?: 2 Level House
If life hands you a lemon, what do you do with it?:Shoot Tequilla
What do you think of natural disasters?: Meh Its Bound To Happen Sometime
How many natural disasters have you caused?: None That I can Think Off
Does the end of the world bother you?: Its The End Of The World As We Know It..And I Feel Fine
Did you have anything to do with the end of the world?: past tense? Maybe
Do the words 'Hamster Dance' make you feel all warm inside?: Fuuuck No..I want To KILL IT!
What's a good season?: spring
Best day of the week?: Saturday..Im Usally Not Sober Then
Best month of the year?: March
Best year in history?: 1971
If there was a fight between Bambi and Godzilla, who would win?:Bambi Good Always Conqures!
If you fought Godzilla, would you win?: Yes!!
Does your nose itch right now?: Nope
Does your nose itch on a regular basis?: Not That I can Recall
Do you show up in a mirror?:What A Stupid Question..No Because Im A Vampire..They Dont Show Up In Mirriors..I Mean Yes I do
If not...does your stomach growl at the sight of the color red?:Fucking Stupid...No
Do you like your big toe?: No Feet Disturb Me
Would you be OK if you did not have a big toe?: No I couldnt Wear Sandles Them
Would you rather be blind, deaf, or mute? Why?: Mute Then I Wouldnt Have To Talk To Stupid People And Could Still See And Listen To Music!
If you walked under a ladder, what would you do?: Keep On Keepin on
Do you often wonder where things like plastic bags come from?: no
Are you afraid of the full moon?: no
If someone from the CIA approaches you, what would you do?: Act Like Ive Got Something To Hide Eventhough I Really Dont To See How THEY would React..Man If I Ever Got To The Stes In Going To Jail..haha
Friends and Family
Are your parents together?: no
Do you have a best friend?: several
Do they work for the CIA?: Its A Mystery
Do YOU work for the CIA?: I Wish
Do your friends (if any) find you...odd?: Definately I Mean Look At My Answers
If so, do you agree with them?: yes
Do you have your own room?: Yeah
Who is sitting next to you right now?: NoOne ImAt Work In A Little Room Working Switchboard..Instead Of My Actual Front Desk Job
Does a ghost frequently visit your house?: ...No
Do you have anyone famous in your family?: No
If so, were they famous for a GOOD reason?: n/a
List any siblings you have...: Jamie,Calvin,Nicole,Kevin,Lori,Shauna
Of your siblings, which of them have halos and which have horns?: Lori Kevin Jamie..halos The REST hORNS
What do you look for in a friend?: To Be Not A Zombie
Are you picky when it comes to friends?: No
What does your imaginary friend look like?:Like Nothing
Does your imaginary friend think you have mental problems?: Well If I Had One It Would Think I Had Mental Problems B/c I Had An Imaginary Fried
Do you agree with your imaginary friend?: No
Have you created any secret handshakes with friends or family?: Some Chick At Work Tried To Make Me Make one Up The Other Day..I Told Her I Wasnt Cool Enough For That Shit
Which One?
Pikachu...or Dead Pikachu?: Dead
Waffles...or Pancakes?:Neither
Rocket Launcher...or Poisonous Flower?: Rooocket Launcher
Handcuffs...or hand grenades?: handcuffs
Plasma...or regular grenades?: plasma
Spartan...or Elite?: spartan
Apple...or Banana?: Banana
Ant...or Pineapple?: pineapple
Anime...or Western?: Neither
Tee Hee...or Muahahaha!: Muhahahahahha
Vampires...or Werewolves?: vampires
Silver stake...or holy water?: holy water
socks... or gloves?: socks
Machine Gun...or sword?: sword Much Cooler
60's...or 80's: 80
Combat Mage...or Barbarian?: barbarian
Good... or Evil?: evil
Link... or Zelda?: zelda
Can you quote many Monty Python Quotes?: Nope
Does Monty rule your world?: Not Often
Do you often sit in a corner and contemplate how to rule the world?: no
Would you like to rule the world?: No Way That Shit Will Make You Crazy
If so, which world?: Pluto
Do you consider yourself a nerd?: no
Do you consider yourself attractive?: Nah
Do you like taking surveys?: Meh
If not, why are you here?: n/a
Have you had a crush?: yes
If so, what happened?: Nothing
Do you enjoy staring at lava lamps?: If Im Fucked Up..Yes
Have you ever found Big Foot or a UFO?: Myabe Who Knows
Do you consider yourself optimistic?: yes
Have you visited the school counselor’s office before?: Nope
When you are angry, do you often picture the person you are angry at be: Well Someone Obviously Wasnt Very Good At English..Its Called A Proper Sentence
(ditto)...or a plasma grenade?: Riiight
Do you know what HTML, CSS, JAVA, PHP, CSI, C+, is?: Nope
What type of movies do you like?: Stoner Comedies
What movie has the highest KPM ? (Google KPM if don't know what it is.): Wha
Did you google KPM?: Umm No..
Does computer lingo often slip n2 ur conversations?: Unless The Words Arte Facebook Or Youtbe
Give yourself a label.: No
Do you have horrible eyesight?: Yes
Are you boy/girl crazy?: Boy
And the rest...
If you could be one place in the world right now, where would it be?: New Zealand/Scotland/Ireland
What is your mood right now?: sleepy
How is the weather?: Cold as Balls B'ye
Do you have a cell phone?: Yeah
Do you parents regret giving you a cell phone?:No..I Got My Own Phone As A Legal Adult
How long have you had your current computer?: n/a
How old are you?: 22
What is your height?: 5'5"
How much do you weigh?: too much
If a UFO flew into your house, what would you do?:Get Drunk And Wait To Die
Mario for President?: Fucking Rights
What time is it now?: 12:48
Having fun?: Nope I Want A Nap
Bored out of your mind?: Yeah
Are you feeling satisfied with yourself now that you are done?: Nope
Are you going to email this survey to other people?: Nope
If so, how many?: n/a
(Later) Did you actually email this survey to people?:No
Did you actually make it to this question without skipping?: yes
If so, I am very proud of you! Are you happy that I am proud of you?: Dont Really Care
Do you want to run and hide after taking this survey?: no
Is this survey bizarre beyond reason?: Yes
If I added another 50 questions, would you mind?: Yes
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