well heres a usual end of the week update! cheer was very stressful memorizing all the material so fast for compeition, which is TOMORROW!!! yay =D go blue! clarkston highschool at 2:30, BE THERE IF YOUD LIKE TO SUPPURT THE ROCHESTER CHEERLEADERS! im excited, ah i must practice a lot so i dont mess up, im so nevous oh man. well anyways... im pretty confused lately, about everything but id rather not get into it cause im bad about writing how i feel in these things haha but so many decisions lately i guess... i dont even know what i want anymore but im definitly looking for something and i hate looking for it, i wish it would just happen. maybe i just think too much. yes that is probaly it, well im done thinking so now to the fun stuff...the weekend =D haha. tonight was a blast! grant & matt picked me and maddie up from cheer practice and we went to get pizza, yum. then went to the village for a bit to look at the sweet clothes haha and then went back to my house to eat and just hang out! gosh they are halarius to hang out with, gotta love them! then they took us to our hair party @ amandas for cheer! crazyness, im loving my team for sure :) <3! now im going to bed sometime soon when i get tired! ill update later about the rest of the weekend...
sorry there's like a million haha
Me & Luisizzle
and again, gangsta style
Cait & me after homecoming when we were depressed cause it was all over & wanted to eat all day haha
hot becca!
my love, freelsy!
the beautiful chelsea & smit!
Laurennnnn in la francais :)
our sweet sophomore HC banner!
the bestest friend ever, SMiT!
Zoe & Court!
Miss Caitlin!
THE anginator ;)
me & maddie :)
Grant & Maddie, too cute!
me & matt, wut wut haha
me & carly after practice today!
random me in gym? hah
bec bec