I'm sorry you people (like..1 person) have to look at the sick red color of my journal. It's out of my power. I decided to update since there's noticeable turds stacking up on my quiz result. It's possible..? Sure why not. Well anyways. I'll keep this short. I just wanted to post some hilarious sites I've found on the net recently. I love them. I thought.."I should share" So here I am...being the kind citizen I should be. Oh..did I mention I don't have a green card? HAH! Fooled ya!! **slaps the bizotch trying to call immigration service** **secretly wipes miniscule beads of sweat** Anyhoe...here they are..for your pleasurable enjoyment...or sickening minutes. Everyone take care. I shall update...when the vomit of looking at this red font passes...Oh..I don't know if a link to the site will show up..so you can just..umm..copy paste? Sure.
http://www.redmeat.com/redmeat/ http://www.boredatwork.com/ http://www.retrocrush.com/archive.html http://maddox.xmission.com/ http://www.angelfire.com/stars/wesbentley/wesalbum.html http://www.noodoll.com/ http://monkeydyne.com/rmcs/buildmeat.html ...Barf bag not provided...enjoy