I am. Again. I promise I'll do the list soon. But I first need to get this out of my system. Did someone say cocksucker? Or was that ass fucker? Looooong story. It involves a lighter, melting makeup, and one silly little slut. It was great fun. I think I'm going to really like A-day. Except for Speech. Why oh why is it mandatory!! Oh hey...Mossybush..hehe..if your sis has time..the website to my background is the following: ...and it's "Patterns 5"...the blue one..swirly. Also,if it's not too much to ask. I was wondering if you could like,find out the code to have a white font. Because red pisses me off. It clashes with my page. I think you would find it where you do all the codes thing. In page text? I would say. Well,your sister probably knows. So if that could be done,thank you!! If not,just tell me! Alright,well that's it for now! Christmas list another day..Have fun everyone!