So, anyone who knows me knows that I'm a foodie. I love to eat, and if I ever had to go on a real diet, I think I would self-combust. That said, there is a style of eating (or maybe a way of eating) that I find intriguing, which is eating only food which comes from your own community in some way (community being defined as a geographic location).
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Farmers' markets would also be a great source for these types of foods, if having your own garden is not an option.
The other type of eating habit I've heard of that is similar to this revolves around the seasons. Basically, it's more about learning what is naturally in season at different points of the year so that you are only getting the freshest (and the most vitamin-rich) produce. So your cooking and eating habits are supposedly more in tune with nature. *shrug* Not sure how feasible it is, but still something to think about.
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