(no subject)

Mar 23, 2008 18:29

I'm obsessed. I have a new "crush". A very childish one indeed, and on an older man. A possibly 10-15 years older man? A possibly MARRIED man.

He's a manager at Journeys, he has black, wavy hair that hangs down to his shoulders, strong features, a sharp nose, darkish skin and dark brown eyes (he looks almost Native American sometimes?) His eyes give me a somewhat Johnny Depp vibe. His arms are clad with tattoos and he smokes like a chimney. He's tall, medium build, not skinny but far from being overweight.

We flirt constantly, we'll just stare and stare and stare at each other and watch each other work until one of us (usually me, from embarassment), breaks eye contact. I love when he sits behind the desk, and just leans back, arms crossed behind his head, and stares at me. Or when he leans, hunched over, sometimes with his elbows on the desk holding his head in his hands or laying his head down directly on top of his crossed arms on top of the desk and he just looks so sweet and adoring and he watches me, and I love it.

Yesterday, after about 5 days of work of just staring at him and him staring at me, I finally gained the courage to peer at him through the window, to where he was sitting, watching me, and wave at him. He immediately waved back and smiled. Argh, he kills me.

My friends and I are going shopping tomorrow and I want to stop by Journeys to see if he's there and possibly strike up a conversation with him. This might be a bad idea...considering I saw a ring on his left hand yesterday, and I think it MIGHT have been on his ring finger, I'm hoping it was his middle, or he didn't notice and put it on the wrong hand, who knows.

I don't really care if he's older than me by quite a few years. I don't know why but I just don't. I want to get to know him, I'm drawn to him and I can't explain it. However, if he's married, well I don't want any involvement with a married man, not even on a friendly basis. Because I'm sure our friendliness would only amount to something else, considering the ways in which we stare at one another...

This is the most daring I've ever been. Usually I'm terrified by older men but I really want to get to know this guy. My parents are terrified by my interest in him, but I'm excited. Just thinking of him makes me smile and when I catch him watching me it gives me chills, I love it.

I hope everything works out.

PLEASE, if there is any higher being on this Earth, don't let him be married!

A married man wouldn't flirt back...right?
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