Apparently three seconds is all one needs to divine my dietary habits.

Feb 15, 2008 22:30

Ok, a quick so this story requires a little explanation up front: I'm skinny. It's not because I don't eat, or I eat too healthily (if there is such a thing :P ). I don't eat an extreme amount, but what I do eat is often high in fats and calories. I drink at least four glasses of whole milk a day. This isn't to brag or anything like that, this is to make sure the next part is put into full context.

I was walking across the street to my girlfriend's apartment for the night. Where we live, they have alternate side parking each night to allow the plows to go through if there's snow. And there's been quite a bit of it, though the plows haven't really utilized the alternate side parking on my girlfriend's street. Anyway, as I'm walking across, a car pulls out of the mall parking lot. It's a small mall made up of basically old yuppie stores. Usually it's pretty quiet.

This car, though, had a guy in the passenger seat that felt the need to shout out to me "Eat something, for the love of shit!"

The car was away before I could even respond. On the one hand, I took it with humor considering the irony and ignorance of what he said.

On the other hand, it pissed me off! Where does he get off commenting on my body? Or how much I eat? If I was a guy, there's no way in hell he would have said anything. Yes, there are women that don't eat, or don't eat enough in order to stay skinny. Yes, there is a problem with the fashion industry in always portraying ultra skinny women, often pushing their models into eating disorders to keep up.

However, this doesn't speak for all skinny women, or men for that matter. And it certainly doesn't give this ass the right to comment as his friend speeds by. Ugh... Ok, rant over.

skinny bitch

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