Dec 04, 2009 14:50
I used to be a Democrat, then I was a Republican now I am not sure what I want to be, not even sure I want to be classified. Once again the Democrats in the House have shown me why I will never call myself a Democrat again, they at least have the last three letters right RAT.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Now says that the “Death Tax” extension is a good thing and that is why the house voted to make it permanent. It was due to expire the end of December 2009 and start up again in 2011 oh no this was not good enough instead the Rat Bastards want to tax us into the grave. It is not enough that we pay taxes on what we do while we are alive now you get taxed for dying and leaving anything to your family. This is fucking wonderful.
The current inheritance tax is about 45% after you are dead for your heirs to pay this is after paying taxes all your life"on this very same property" talk about double taxation. Under the new proposal the 1st $1 Million is exempt how gracious of the Bastards. Rep. Hoyer hailed the tax extension as permanent “Tax Relief” for the American families saying it “strikes a fair balance between what we owe to families, Farmers, and Small Businesses” My ass why the hell should I work my ass off trying to develop something only to give it to the Government.
Now under this new tax bill 55% of what I worked for and paid taxes on all my life will go to these same rat Bastards and they want to call this fiscal responsibility. These people need to get a grip.
I don’t believe in redistribution of wealth if you work for it and can make it, it should be yours not somebody else that did not contribute a thought let alone any sweat equity to it. There is just something horribly wrong with this whole picture.
Like I said at the beginning of this rant Fuck the Democratic Party and any one that thinks I owe them part of what I work for. I got mine the hard way I went out and earned it I went to night school to finish my BA then finished my MBA while working 60 hours a week. I worked all over the country spent time away from friends and family to get ahead. Yes I earned mine by the sweat of my brow and my own wits and desire and my families suffering me being gone to try and develop something for us.
So YES a resounding YES if you look at me and think of me as greedy go ahead. Because it is mine not yours, I earned it no one just gave it to me. I will spread my own wealth as I see fit I do not need the government redistributing it for me. Thank you very much. That is exactly what this death tax is a redistribution of wealth when you have no say in the matter and can not argue about it. This is not directed at my friends and family that are democRATS I still love you and we can always disagree. that is what make this country great we can still coexist even though we disagree. There is nothing free someone has to pay for everything.
If anyone thinks the proposed health care is free look at the above 55% tax agfter your dead whats free in that. I listened to and interview the other night of some ladies in Milwauke Wisconson that were going to get some of that Obama money. They were asked where Obama got his money they did not even have a clue they just knew they were going to get some of that free Obama money. If you think it is free just give me a ring or my CPA and you can see how free it is for me.