Oct 04, 2005 20:02
Sometimes bus drivers can be really annoying/picky/a-hole ish/ stupid people.. (( Although not all the time.))
The ride home on the bus was annoying today with louder and more stupid people riding the bus spraying half a bottle of a crappy perfume around the bus because of a bad smell.... It was so thick in the air that the taste of it got into my mouth when I talked.. X_X
Then 1 stop before mine the bus driver gets up, points at me and blames me for everything on the bus... I'm all like, " Wtf? I didn't say anything..."
Damn idiots on the bus are gonna get me kicked off... I wasn't being perfect (( Nor was I acting like it.. XD )) but I wasn't making extremely loud/rude comments and such...
Beside the bus driver I had a good day... = )