Well... Boring Friday.. again..

Sep 23, 2005 15:05

5:00 A.M.- Woke up and said to myself, " I feel like crap."

5:20 A.M.- I stop complaining and take some medicine/hot tea/milk and get on with life in this day..

7:30 - 8:55 A.M.- Bored out of my mind doing library work today... paid my lab fees blah blah etc..

9:00 - 10:45 A.M.- I got to sit in a nice chair in JROTC almost the whole time.. = D
Downside is I had to stay inside doing records for all the new cadets while they were either: a) getting uniforms b) Practicing for color guard drill stuff outside..... Why complain about that though? Those annoying midgets kinda deserve it a little... XD
I made some of the Freshman stay behind to finish their records for the uniforms... and some of them gave me looks (( You know.. the "Duuuh I'm a freshman." look..)) but who cares? I had the chain of command (( For the JROTC )) with me on this one.. XD

10:50 A.M. - 12:35 P.M. - More library duties... Well not really sense I just stood around... Played games and such.. That Sobe I bought earlier was good.. emmmmmm. = )

12:40 - 2:10 - Re-watched the whole ( Or almost the whole thing ) Millenium Actress anime.. I liked the ending ( kinda ) so I won't spoil it for the people who havn't seen it.

Now- Throat still sore.. but I'm doing good... another boring Friday school day is done and I'm free for a little while.. = D
Hopefully I'll be able to see "FF:Advent of Children" today... _> _>

I saw the extra for it... the one with Zack in it.. and BA-DAMN!... it's just.. BA-DAMN!... XD * Two thumbs up from every one of my personas*

I will not spoil any part of either one for anyone.. so don't ask.. = P
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