(no subject)

May 15, 2004 22:58

ummm. i quit my job. damn people fucked with my schedule and messed it up.umm. i fixed my phone. i threw it and broke my display screen in it.for all of you who don't know.umm other news. the hot water tank at the shop blew. it flooded the shop. we(me and mom) went in on her day off.and stayed all day from 2 till 9. berlyn(gizmo) came to the shop. he came over because he "felt like he did me wrong" which he did. he told me to "fuck off and get off his nuts" which pissed me off since and him where very close.he did is becuz his g/f didn't like me. well they broke up and he wanted to see me.It was funny. he is most likely getting locked up again. another year with my ex/best guy friend not here for my birthday.;( im glad he came over today tho. made me really happy. then angie and her b/f started pissing me off. started bitching at me b/c i was trying to stay in a good mood and was messing with jimmy(angie's b/f). umm. ok well i am going to go now nothing left to say b/c my life is so boring.

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