Feb 14, 2005 13:08
alot has happened since i last made an entry hah.
so on thursday we had a halfday at school, and one of my oldest friends was gonna have alittle party at his grandparents house b/c they were out of town. i didnt plan on drinking, but ofcorse i ended up drinking for shits and giggles. i didnt think i drank that much, but i did Shotgun a beer, and do my first beer bong ever and then did beer bong 1 or 2 more times in the night i really dont remember. but i got really fucking DAS and ended up blacking out and throwing up on myself, lees grandparents sofa and Suzanne Durate, i really dont remember any of this, but supposedly i was dragged into the bathroom where i continued to throw up for a bit, then other drunk people tried to feed me bread and water i believe, and i didnt want anyof it, and i ended up just passing out in the bathroom w/ my head on the toilet i think (2nd time thats happened to me) then roshan carried me on to a sofa where i layed passed out for awile. Luckly around 7:30 i was able to get home to my moms house, and luckly my mom wasnt home so i just took off my pants and sweet shirt and went to sleep till like 9:30 when my mom woke me up. hah, it turns out i wrote a note that said i was sick so she felt bad or something. anyways the moral of this story is, i need to find my limit and not do soo many beer bongs. (shotguns are okay, but beer bongs are easiar i think, hmmm i'm kinda thinking a new challenge, since i did shotguned 5 redbulls in 5 minutes, why not beer bong 5 in 5 minutes... hmmmm) the next day i was drunk till 2nd period and soo hung over so i got my mom to come and take me home :)
friday lee had another party at his house, i went and they got a shit load of beer, but i really didnt want to drink that much so i didnt, i tried to drink a few beers but they just tasted like shit and i wasnt feeling it, so i decied to have sober night which was a good idea, because a shit load of people came and someone sober needed to help lee regulate and kick ppl out. but i ended up getting really pissed because people were being soo disrespect full to lee and like taking shit out of the house, and invinting them slefs over when they wernt invited, and not leaving when he told them to leave. it was quite lame and i was grumpy, heh whatever, someone had to be grumpy. and then in the morning lees dad ends up coming to the house and waking everyone up... GREAT... it was the most awkward moment ever, but now he isnt in that much trouble he just had to do alot of work for his dad, and make sure that house is spic and spam. lets hope that goes well.
the next big thing for me is my court case tommorow... but i talked to my lawer and he said i might not have to go b/c we already came up w/ a deal and its 2 hours away, so what is gonna happen to me is ill get 30 hrs of community service and probation for 6 months for the petit larceny charge, THEN they are dropping the posseessian of alchool charge, if i do first offenders on the marjuiana charge which means 6 months w/ no licence, 25 hrs of community service, and some shitty drug class. But when my maryjane was sent into the lab to be tested to see if it was really pot, i think it got lost or they smoked it cause it was sooo dank, and theres something crazy that will happen if this is true like only 3-4 months of probation. heh w00t. i will find out for sure tonight/tommorow.
then on thursday my mom starts her kemotherapy, for her breast cancer, so this means all her hair will fall out and such, and she will be really tiard and weak. she already got her wig and had her hair cut short so when it falls out it wont be alot, but the wig looks really real so thats good, she will look creepy though bald and shit :-p
then this weekend i wanna try eating morning glory seeds haha, cause supposedly u trip balls and that would be tight, since i cant get high and they are legal