Sep 15, 2005 19:02
So i finally have some time to write in my livejournal. I cant tell you guyz how tired i am of complaining all the time but it seems like everytime anyone asks me about my day i have something negative to say about it. Its just that tho, i really cant find anything good. I am so tired right now i am about to go out of my mind. I am so lost in Pre Cal right now that i could cry. Last night was my major breakdown of all time. I was working from 3:30 to 10 had a big Pol. Science test to study for and a Fine Arts test. Well, i studied until 12. Needless to say i was already exhausted and whiney when i got home. Then it all became too much and i started crying. I was tired and i couldnt thing but i had so much to do. I feel like im carrying everything on my shoulders right now. I am also having troubles with my bf. We are going thro kind of a test thingy right now where we cant see one another all week unless we get our grade up...well needless to say i dont think that he thinks that were gonna make it throught it...confusing enough? Well, it worries me...he talks about it all the time and i wish he would be happy with the time he ahs with me instead of talking about how happy he would be if he had more time...i just wish things would get better...*tears* Im so tired i am literally exhausted. And i have so much to do. Tomorrow i have a Spanish test and English test...i wish i just had one night of nothing to do. I guess all i need right now is some rest so i can take on all i have to do... but right now without the rest i am at a rode block...i wish someone could just help me. *more tears* Im so lost and tired i wish the weekend was here but then again i have to work from 4:30 to 11 this sunday...which will be a great start for my Monday at school. Srry about all the complaining. Help?
Still Lovin,
Chas *sniffles*