Yay for the Jim Gaffigan reference!! Anywhos, I've always wanted to know (and in a non-RUDE manner, please!), what is so gosh darn appealing about slash? I don't get it. Seriously. {Don't worry, there's happy stuff in here, too! :D}
I used to be an anime fan, so I've naturally seen slash for quite a while (especially in Samurai Champloo...I got lucky with Cowboy Bebop since there's only ONE OTP for that fandom :P), but now I'd GLADLY take all of those slash pairings in comparison to this NEW fad that's driving me completely bonkers. I got sucked into the whole Batman thing (I've been a fan of the cartoons since I was in pre-school :3) after Dark Knight came out, but alas, I can only find SLASH in this dagburn fandom! And when it is het, it's with that godawful, irritating, ear-bleed-inducing twit, Harley Quinn! BAH! I seriously don't understand the female obsession with M/M stories, because A) I don't find it hot, and B) I like to RELATE to the stories I read, and I can't relate to penis/penis smut. Sorry for being crass, but it's true. ^^; I've got a va-JAY-JAY, dammit, so since I don't even know what a man feels "down there", I'd really rather not have to deal with it from two different perspectives. Men are disgusting enough without having TWO of them relaying the thoughts in their heads (which head? *gasps* Dirteh! :O)! xP
I've basically noticed that people who ship Joker/Batman also ship Joker/Harvey, Joker/Crane, Joker/Gordon, and pretty much Joker/every goddamn male in the film. Can we PLEASE give J's ass a rest?? I mean, it's fine if people like those, but why ship M/M just to ship M/M? Makes no freaking sense to me, but most people who do that tend to be the younger fans. I'd never even heard of J/B before DK -- never even thought of the possibility, for that matter -- so it just seemed like it popped up because "Oh mai gawd, Bale and Ledger are SO hawt! That means they should fawk!" That is seriously what someone told me. Oy. Makes me lose faith in humanity. If you're gonna ship someone, give a good reason, please! And after I posted an anti-slash comic someone made (it was a JOKE, people), I noticed people started adding little notes on their stories like "If you don't like Joker/Batman, don't read". Oh, as IF I was going to read and heckle you for your story, dipstick! I'm not sick enough to sit at my computer, drooling in a cup and waiting for people to update so I can go "Ninjas...ATTACK!!!" Hmm, ninjas...those would be really nice to have right about now. :D Cuz quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of LJ. People are really rude and narrow-minded on here (only some; I've actually had some really interesting/enlightening conversations lately), not to mention I dread going to my inbox since I DON'T like arguing with people. I like the conversations at first, because I do find joy in healthy debates, but when feelings get stepped on or people poo-poo your fandom preference, things just get ugly. How come this is the ONLY place that happens??? I have SO many sweet/amazing friends on fanfiction.net/adultfanfiction.net/deviantart.com, so why the hell are all the pricks HERE under one roof? Makes nooo fugging sense, especially since some of the best writers are on here. So yeah, that's what SUCKS. I WANT to come here, but I feel sick every time I think of the possibility of getting into a fight, or of hurting someone's feelings. What can I say? I DON'T like confrontations...I just want everyone to get along. -_-' And no, before anyone asks, I am NOT a homophobe, I just haven't ever seen a slash pairing that strikes my fancy. Of the Batman fandom, Joker/Batman is the ONLY slash pairing that bothers me/makes me want to projectile vomit. I'm willing to wager this is because A) it's the most frickin' popular pairing of the fandom, and B) I just CAN'T see it happening. Ever. Ever, ever, ever, EVERRR. If Bruce couldn't forgive Joe Chill for murdering his parents, he wouldn't forgive the Joker and become his f*ck buddy. End of story. ...And Bruce is my least favorite character of the males (isn't that SAD? I love Conrad!Bats, though!), so I severely dislike seeing my FAVORITE male character (and villain of all time, biyatch) paired up with Wayne the Lame. Ew. >_> I know nobody considers Rachel canon, but she's a good character to mess with. And the Joker drew hearts all over her face on the DVD cover, so HA! It IS canon now! xP And there's also stuff WB made of him drawing "HUBBA HUBBA!" all over her face... He only draws mean faces on Batsy, so pffft! >:P I'm so immature. Love me. ♥ lol
LET'S TALK ABOUT HAPPY STUFF!!! :D What's everyone doing for the holidays? I'm getting a Wacom tablet for mah birthday/Christmas, so I'm super excited! I'm hoping to FINALLY learn how to color with Photoshop, but we shall see. I also hope to never need my scanner again, cuz that thing's a pain in the ass. >:( I work SO hard, and then the detail gets destroyed. BAH and HUMBUG (just for the Christmas season :P). Ok, now that I'm out of rant mode, I seriously don't know what to say... And I think you've probably all stopped reading by now, 'cause I tend to be incoherent when I'm angry or upset. I know it's ridiculous to be angry about the aforementioned, but I get passionate about pairings and characters I adore. I wanna protect my Joke-uh! D: I'd forgotten how I used to get sick to my stomach/pukey over Faye/Jet from Cowboy Bebop. LOL That was SO long ago... Now I'm pukey about Joker/Batman. I wish I never got into this fandom. -_-' AKA I wish I wasn't a writer/artist/creative person, cuz then I could've lived in blissful ignorance and continued to play with my Batman dolls in peace. lol jk Even though I DO have like....10,000 different versions of Batman somewhere. xD They're actually my brother's, but I played with them just as much. There was one that had a kinda Terminator like suit...it was COOL. :O Hmm, we never had a Joker action figure, though. How lame is THAT? The really realistic ones of DK's Joker are kick-ass, and...slightly creepy. They look THAT real/evil. o_O I wouldn't ask for one, though, cuz I'd feel weird having a toy of him. I'd probably turn his back so it was facing me, cuz I'd feel like he was staring at me. I'm such an odd ball. xP