Jun 12, 2005 17:56
hi all sorry haven't updated for ages been busy and as usuall i'm just lame at remembering to update but sent this out but in case any of u didn't get it here it is
hello all i hope u r all well sorry i haven't done a big update for a while been a bit mad at university with exams and since they finshed i have been non stop working but i'm not in work till 7pm 2day so have a chance to catch up with u all
so it has basically been study mania here i did a lifeguard course for 2 weeks which i passed with flying colours and then divied straight into my assessments for video and photography which was totally madness with getting all the last minute stuff done but i got there and all was handed in on time then as soon as they were done i began revising for my media exams but did take a bit of a break to visit my friend richard who is studying at cardiff university, as it was his birthday and we had lots of fun as we chilled out most of the weekend flying a kite in the local park then we went to the climbing centre were we spent all day wall climbing and then in the evening we went out in the middle of no-where so some of the guys could go caving and the rest of us enjoyed a bbq yum yum and nice and warm as as soon as the sun set it was freezing out there but was awesome and i was totally wiped out and went back to leicester to continue revising oh and of course running christian union as we didn't have our last week till the day i had my last exam which was cool as i had my exam in the morning and our social (our last meeting) in the evening where we bbq in the park hehe summer starts and the bbqs come out in storm in this country as the weather doesn't stay nice for long it hasn't been that great this week not too much rain but lots of clouds so not really any sun
well when i finsihed my exams hana come up to visit which was cool as she has not been to stay since the first weekend i moved in we chilled out and shopped lots hehe well she shopped lots and i resisted as my bank does not look good at the mo but i am working hard now with my new lifeguarding job for the local pools which has been exhausting as i haven't had many days off since i started but it is paying off my overdraft which is good and hopefully i will be able to earn enough next term to be able to afford to come over and visit as i am so broke this year with not working till now oppse but getting more organised and better with money so hopefully i will see u all again soon
mmmmmmmmmm what else well lots of working so not been up to much else am still enjoying being on exec for the chrisitian union we r now on summer break so doing a lot of organising through email as some of the other exec members have gone home
the flat is very empty at the moment as it is just me and my flat mate camilla as mandy has gone home for the summer and emma has gone home for the week so its very quiet here but is nice as we r able to keep the flat clean alot easier
well i am kinda rambleing so i would just say can i have all the gossip from ur side of the pond hehe so how r u all? what have u been up to? how was school? how was graduation(those it aplies to)? and of course ur all welcome to visit here any time?
oh before i forget i'm getting baptised this summer so excitng and all my family is all bouncy with joy can't wait to get home and get started on baptism class oh so exicted
well thats it i think i hope ur r all well missing all lots and wishing i could of made it out this summer but hopefully soon hope ur all enjoying az weather i'm missing it and u all lots and lots and lots well best go hope to hear from u all soon
God bless u all
jennifer the british one
i hope that updated u all
speak to u all again soon