Jan 21, 2005 15:23
mmmm broke my computer this week stupidy but i fixed after 2 and a half days of stressing over it and getting no where but i did have to restore it to its factory setting so i lost sum stuff ooopse lesson learnt back everything up that means everything!!!!!!!! not kidding!!!!1
ok so other than that lets see uni is ok still house hunting sort of and got mass's of work to do oh fun mmmmm need a new work ethic not getting much done but then i have sum how ended up doing a course with loads of work compared to any others oh well its still fun and learning lots of stuff
mmmm what else oh i'm still job loses not sure whethter to leave it do temp work or just focus on uni and getting lifeguard trained so i can work at home again well i'm sure i'll figuare it out
mmmmm still with my boyfriend its strange being at uni and not with him especial as i really didn't want to do the whole long distance relationship thing again but wouldn't wanna not be with him oh so soppy i'm sad i know
well love ua all speak soon miss ua xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx