Feb 01, 2004 18:03

Religious people piss me off. Probably because that's all they can ever talk about and that's all they use as their arguments against...everything. Fuck, man, shut up about the bible, I'LL SMOKE MY GOD DAMN POT WHENEVER I WANT, WHEREVER I WANT AND A BOOK IS NOT GOING TO STOP ME! Neither is an invisible force.
Come here, god, strike me down.
I dare you. :)
"Jesus is your savior, he died for you, now don't you want to be a good person and love and devote your life to Jesus." <- Yeah, hold on, let me throw away my rebellious,fun, youth years, and spend as much time as i can in church, bible study, and sunday school. WEEE that sounds like fun. I didn't ask him to die for me.

It's a funny story, actually, when i stopped believing in the christian faith or any faith. I guess it started in 7th or 8th grade when we learned about religion in other countries, and how so many people were fighting religious wars. Well, if there are all these theories and beliefs out there, then one can't be correct. Hell, they might all be bull shit and well, maybe when you die, your soul bursts into flames and that's the end of your exisistance.
All through my childhood i was told, "If people don't believe in Jesus, if they don't believe in the bible, and god then they'll go to hell, something bad will happen to them, they are terrible people." And this wasn't by my own parents, my parents don't believe in religion. It was friends' parents. And I believed it, i strongly believed it. One of my friends' mom even said that gay people go to hell and i believed it she said if god meant for people to be gay he wouldn't have created Adam and Eve. I was so young, naieve, and impressionable.

The Catholic religion is the most bull-shit religion out there. they believe they are right and no one else and all the churches are power, money hungry, bastrads.
No thanks, i'd rather not give my money to church renevations, and higher wages for the preists so they can fuck little boys. I'd much rather buy some crack. :)

That is all.
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