because i LOVE NEWShFAN!

Aug 23, 2008 08:10

yeah this is the list of the subbed clips made by the very lovely NEWShFAN!!!
the links will direct you its respective post of NEWShFAN <3

hi NEWShFAN...
you've been so good to me..
so to return that favor i made this for you <3
you can edit your List of NEWShFAN's English subbed clips with these because i put links for easier access... I JUST LOVE YOU SO MUCH <3

2008-08-19 Mezamashi TV - NEWS happy bath day ad (clip) *NEW* 20th Aug
2008-08-10 Shounen Club - Guest: Tsubasa/Yabu, Theme: Adventure, MC: Koyashige (clip) *NEW* 20th Aug
2008-08-06 Mezamashi TV - Yamapi at KAT-TUN concert (clip)
2008-08-xx NEWS Concert Tour pacific 2007 2008 DVD (full dvd) *Complete August 14th*
2008-08-03 Shounen Club - Guest: Tsubasa, Theme: Vacation, MC: Koyashige (full episode)
2008-07-25 Music Station - Hey!Say!JUMP part (clip)
2008-07-21 Nakai Masahiro's Super Drama Festival - "Code Blue" parts (clip)
2008-07-20 Shounen Club Premium - NEWS's Koyamaa Keiichiro (clip)
2008-07-xx Making of Hey!Say!JUMP's "Your Seed" music video (dvd)
2008-07-18 Music Station - Hey!Say!JUMP part (clip)
2008-07-13 Shounen Club - Tegomasu talk & medley
2008-07-11 Music Station - Hey!Say!JUMP part (clip)
2008-07-06 Sekai no Hate Made ItteQ - Ero Tegoshi vs Sumo wrestler (clip)
2008-07-06 Shounen Club - Tegomasu part (clip)
2008-07-04 Mezamashi TV - Interview & skit with Jin & Aya (clip)
2008-07-01 Mezamashi TV - Akanishi Jin as Speed Racer (clip)

2008-07-01 Zoom In - Akanishi Jin as Speed Racer (clip)
2008-06-30 SMAPxSMAP - Shingo's "Code Blue" skit (clip)
2008-06-26 "Code Blue" drama TV ad
2008-06-25 Teppan Note! - Koyama's date (clip)
2008-06-22 Domoto Kyoudai - If KinKi were fruit (clip)
2008-06-21 Music Fair 21 - Tegomasu medley & interview (clip)
2008-06-20 Music Fighter - Tegomasu (clip)
2008-06-19 Music Japan - Tegomasu interview (clip)
2008-06-18 Sakigake Music Ranking Vegas - Tegomasu interview (clip)
2006-06-18 Making of Tegomasu's "Ai Ai Gasa" music video (dvd)
2008-06-18 FNN Super News - Code Blue press conference with Yamapi (clip)
2008-06-16 HEY!x3 - Tegomasu part (clip)
2008-06-15 Domoto Kyoudai - Tegomasu as the guests (full episode)
2008-06-15 Shounen Club Premium - Tanaka Koki (clip)
2008-06-13 Music Station - Tegomasu part (clip)
2008-06-06 Music Station - Tackey & Tsubasa part (clip)
2008-06-xx Mini drama for Tackey & Tsubasa's "Koi Uta" (dvd)
2008-06-xx Making of KAT-TUN's "DON'T U EVER STOP" music video (dvd)
2008-05-28 Zoomin - NEWS at 17 magazine party (clip)
2008-05-27 Cyril the magician with HSJ (clip)
2008-05-18 Shounen Club Premium - V6's Miyake Ken (clip)
2008-05-18 Sekai no Hate Made ItteQ - Tegoshi at Plop in the Pond Festival (clip)
2008-05-16 Music Station - HSJ part + Mini Music Station (clip)
2008-05-16 Music Station - KAT-TUN part (clip)
2008-05-13 Zoomin - NEWS rank #2 on record charts (clip)
2008-05-12 HEY!x3 - KAT-TUN part (clip)
2008-05-11 Shounen Club - KAT-TUN & NEWS friendships (clip)
2008-05-10 Osama no Brunch - NEWS interview
2008-05-09 Music Station - NEWS part & Mini Music Station (clip)
2008-05-08 Utaban - NEWS talk part (clip)
2008-05-04 Shounen Club - King of Reactions game (clip)
2008-05-02 Music Station - KAT-TUN part + Mini Music Station (clip)
2008-05-xx Making of Hey!Say!JUMP's "Dreams Come True" music video (dvd)
2008-04-31 Hey!Say!JUMP Debut & First Concert Ikinari! In Tokyo Dome Disc 1&2 (concert dvd)
2008-04-28 HEY!x3 - Hey!Say!JUMP part (clip)
2008-04-28 HEY!x3 - NEWS part (clip)
2008-04-25 Music Station - Maizu Tsukasa part - a.k.a Domoto Koichi (clip)
2008-04-25 Mini Music Station - Maizu Tsukasa & KAT-TUN (clip)
2008-04-25 Music Station - KAT-TUN part (clip)
2008-04-18 Music Station - Takaki Yuya and Friends
2004-04-20 Domoto Kyoudai - Perfume as guests (full episode)
2008-03-30 Domoto Kyoudai - Jero as the guest (full episode)
2008-03-08 Shimura Zoo - Kame with baby otters (clip)
2008-03-07 Hanamaru Cafe - Yamapi interview #4
2008-03-03 Tokyo Friend Park - Yamapi & Aikawa Sho (full episode)
2008-03-02 Shounen Club - Theme: tears, Guest: NEWS (full episode)
2008-03-xx Kurosagi the Movie (full movie) Softsubs only *Reccommended*
2008-02-29 Music Station - NEWS part & Mini Music Station (clip)
2008-02-28 Sakigake Music Ranking Vegas - NEWS part
2008-02-27 Zoomin - Kamenashi Kazuya talks about being a kid
2008-02-25 HEY!x3 - NEWS (clip)
2008-02-22 Music Station - NEWS part
2008-02-08 Mezamashi TV - KAT-TUN talk (clip)
2008-02-08 Music Fighter - KAT-TUN talk & LIPS (clip)
2008-02-08 Music Station - KAT-TUN part + Mini Music Station (clip)
2008-02-06 Mezamashi TV - Yamapi is not human (clip)
2008-02-06 KAT-TUN's making of LIPS music video DVD
2008-02-04 HEY!x3 - KAT-TUN (clip)
2008-02-xx 3 "Toshiba note pc x Kurosagi" ads (Feb 2008)
2008-02-01 Our Music - KinKi Kids marriage talk (clip)
2008-02-01 Shiodomedia - Kame vs Reporter games (clip)

2008-02-01 Music Station - KAT-TUN (clip)
2008-01-27 Oshareism - Okada Junichi (V6) interview (clip)
2008-01-25 Music Station - Matchy with Question? (clip)
2008-01-24 Utaban - Matchy with Question? (clip)
2008-01-23 One! -the history of Tackey- (dvd)
2008-01-21 HEY!x3 - Matchy with QUESTION? (clip)
2008-01-20 Shounen Club Premium - KinKi Kids Stage Report (clip)
2008-01-19 Merunge no Kimochi - Kame interview (clip)
2008-01-18 Music Station - Matchy with Question? part (clip)
2008-01-13 Shounen Club - HSJ dream talk (clip)
2008-01-12 KAT-TUN's special show "100 adult rules" (full episode)
2008-01-xx Kurosagi movie trailer # 2
2008-01-05 "1 Pound no Fukuin" promo with Kame interview (clip)
2008-01-xx Making of Kurosagi drama series (DVD release)
2007-xx Making of "Yukan Club" drama DVD Part 2 *NEW* 19th Aug
2007-12-29 Daidaya - Ryo's date with Haruna (clip)
2007-12-24 Sukkiri - "1 Pound no Fukuin" promo with Kame (clip)
2007-12-23 Sekai no Hate Made ItteQ - Tegoshi the Prince of Sleaze (clip)
2007-12-23 Shounen Club - Christmas Special (full episode)
2007-12-22 Zoomin- "1 Pound no Fukuin" promo & Kame's Xmas talk (clip)
2007-12-xx Kurosagi movie trailer # 1
2007-12-21 Music Station - Super Live 2007 with many JE artists (clips)
2007-12-21 Music Station - Super Live 2007 (part 2)
2007-12-18 Rajikaru - Interview with Akanishi Jin (clip)
2007-12-16 Shounen Club Premium - Nakamaru Yuichi (KAT-TUN) (clip)
2007-12-16 Music Lovers - KAT-TUN talk & performance (full episode)
2007-12-11 Zoomin - Interview with KAT-TUN 2007 review & 2008 predictions (clip)
2007-12-04 Sukkiri - "1 Pound no Fukuin" promo with Kame (clip)
2007-12-04 Zoomin - "1 Pound no Fukuin" promo with Kame (clip)

2007-12-02 Shounen Club - Yamapi, Ryo & Koyama talk & NEWS songs (clip)
2007-12-02 Shounen Club - Hey!Say!JUMP talk & medley (clip)
2007-11-24 Mechamecha Ikiteru - Tegoshi getting drop-kicked (clip)
2007-11-21 Zoomin - Interview with Yokoyama You as the "imajin"  (clip)
2007-11-23 Music FIghter - KAT-TUN part (clip)
2007-11-18 Shounen Club Premium - Ohkura Tadayoshi & Kanjani 8 (clip)
2 007-11-17 Music Fighter - Hey! Say! JUMP part (clip)
2007-11-16 Music Station - KAT-TUN part  + Mini Music Station (clip)
2007-11-14 Making of Hey!Say!JUMP's Ultra Music Power (dvd)
2007-11-12 HEY!x3 - Hey Say! JUMP talk (clip)
2007-11-06 Chichin Puipui - Interview with NEWS (clip)
2007-11-04 Domoto Kyoudai - Hey! Say! JUMP (full episode)
2007-11-02 Music Station - NEWS part  + Mini Music Station (clip)
2007-10-26 Music Station - Kanjani 8 part + Mini Music Station (clip)
2007-10-26 Music Station - Hey! Say! JUMP part (clip)
2007-10-21 Shounen Club Premium - Tegoshi Yuuya & Tegomasu (clip)
2007-10-14 Shounen Club - Tackey & Tsubasa Intro Don Quiz (clip)
2007-10-08 SMAPxSMAP - Magician Zero at school (clip)
2007-10-07 Shounen Club - Find Tackey & Tsubasa game (clip)
2007-09-24 HEY!x3 - Hey! Say! JUMP part (clip)
2007-08-xx NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD - Disc 1 (part 1) (concert dvd)
2007-08-xx NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD - Disc 1 (part 2) (concert dvd)
2007-08-xx NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD - Disc 2 (part 1) (concert dvd)
2007-08-xx NEWS Never Ending Wonderful Story DVD - Disc 2 (part 2) (concert dvd)
2007-08-xx  Music video: Takizawa Hideaki - "Yakusoku ~Flowers song~"
2007-08-xx  Music video: Imai Tsubasa - "Yakusoku ~World wing~"

2007-08-16 24HR TV - T&T letter reading and review (clip)
2007-08-13  HEY!x3 - Tackey & Tsubasa on Telephone Box (clip)
2007-08-10  Music Station - Tackey & Tsubasa part (clip)
2007-08-06 HEY!x3 - Hey! Say! 7 in telephone box (clip)
2007-08-01  Takizawa Enbujou (musical dvd)
2007-08-xx Making of Hey! Say! 7's music video "Hey! Say!"
2007-07-xx  Music video: NEWS - "DREAMS"
2007-07-27 Music Station - Hey! Say!7 & Kamenashi Kazuya part (clip)
2007-07-23 SMAPxSMAP - Magician Zero vs. Cyril (clip)
2007-07-13 Music Station - Hey! Say!7 part (clip)
2007-07-01 Domoto Kyoudai - 10 years 10 sings hit medley (full episode)
2007-06-22 Music Station - KAT-TUN part (clip)
2007-05-27 MentoreG - Yamapi & Masami in Proposal Daisakusen promo (clip)
2007-05-17 Sakigake! Music Ranking Vegas - Tegomasu (clip)
2007-05-13 Shounen Club - Kawai Fumito's impersonations 2, Silent skit "Bus Stop" (clip) ***the clip says March 13?
2007-04-15 Shounen Club - Question? letter reading, pre-HSJ friendship chat (clip) ***the clip says April 14, 2007?
2007-03-09 Music Station - NEWS part (clip)
2007-02-18 Shounen Club Premium - YamaP's interview & NEWS performance (clip)
2007-02-16 Music Station - Arashi part (clip)
2007-02-16 Music Station - NEWS part (clip)
2007-02-04 Shounen Club - Jr. Miracle Challenge: Jr. King Of Adventure (clip)
2007-02-03 Zoom In Saturday - Tegoshi & a green bird (clip)
2007-01-14 Shounen Club - Yamapi's butt, Jr. Miracle Challenge, Ya-Ya-yah (clip) ***it should be dated as (11th Feb, 2007)?
2007-01-14 Shounen Club - Kawai Fumito’s impersonations (clip)
2007-01-14 Shounen Club - Question? personalities talk (clip)
2007-01-12 Music Station SP - Yamapi & Kigurumi (clip)
2007-01-07 Shounen Club - Tackey & Tsubasa performances & T&T quiz mania (clip)
2007-01-02 PuSma - Yamapi on King of Chickens part (clip)
2006-11-19 Shounen Club Premium - Imai Tsubasa (clip)
2006-10-26 Utaban - Kisarazu Cat's Eye cast (clip)
2006-10-02 The Yesterday Park (mini drama)
2006-08-16 Imai Tsubasa 1st Tour 23 to 24 (full dvd)
2006-08-08 Zubari Iu Wa Yo - Tackey & Tsubasa's interview & performance (clip)
2006-08-xx  Music video - Tackey & Tsubasa's "Ho! Summer" PV
2006-07-20 Hanamaru Cafe - Koyama as the guest (clip)
2006-06-23 Hanamaru Cafe - Yamapi as the guest (clip)
2006-06-19 HEY!x3 - TOKIO & V6 bowling contest (clip)
2006-06-18 Haneru Tobira - Yamapi as Yamanorita (clip)
2006-06-18 Shounen Club Premium - Nagase Tomoya & TOKIO (clip)
2006-06-01 Utaban - Yamapi talk part (clip)
2006-04-23 Shounen Club Premium - Aiba Masaki & Arashi (clip)
2006-04-11 Kurosagi promotion - Yamapi & Maki meet a magician (clip)
2006-04-08 Saturday Night Chubaw! - Yamapi as the guest (clip)
2006-03-28 Zubari Iu Wa Yo - Tackey & Hosoki re-enact Forbidden Love scene (clip)
2006-03-15 Ousama no Brunch - KAT-TUN debut interview & yes-no game (clip)
2006-01-23 HEY!x3 - Tackey & Tsubasa's drawing competition (clip)
2005-12-23 Music Station Super Live - Shuji & Akira
2005-12-12 Zoomin - Shuji & Akira make up a song (lip)
2005-12-10 ??? - Shuji & Akira get given takoyaki (clip)
2005-12-02 Zoomin - Shuji & Akira - Yamapi's lunchbox (clip)
2005-11-27 Utawara - Kame's Shuji & Akira vs. Kame's KAT-TUN (clip)

2005-11-20 Shounen Club - Yamapi vs Ryo teams pride battle (clip)
2005-11-12 Zoomin - Shuji & Akira pudding visit (clip)
2005-11-01 Gakkou e Ikou - V6's 10th anniversary fall trip (full episode)
2005-10-18 Zoomin - Shuji & Akira making Seishun Amigo PV (clip)
2005-10-02 Ya-Ya-yah! - Onigokko vs. sports stars (full episode)
2005-08-21 Shounen Club - Jin & Pi host a summer special show (full episode)
2005-07-24 Ya-Ya-yah!  Summer Grand Prix (clip)
2005-07-15 Music Station - NEWS part + Mini Music Station (clip)
2005-07-08 Hanamaru Cafe - Yamapi (clip)
2005-07-04 HEY!x3 - NEWS & Kanjani 4 talk (clip)
2005-06-19 Ya-Ya-yah! - Onigokko soldiers at Yokohama Arena (full episode) 
2005-06-05 Shounen Club - Ryo vs. Ueda + Comedy battle (clip)
2005-04-10 Ya-Ya-yah! - Pranks on Koyama (clip)
2005-03-27 Ya-Ya-yah! - Spring physical check (full epsiode)
2005-03-17 Utaban - NEWS has/haven't food quiz & "Cherish" (clip)
2005-03-06 Shounen Club - NEWS talk & KAT-TUN reaction, Ryo vs Ueda (clip)
2005-03-06 Ya-Ya-yah! - Onigokko revolutions (full episode)
2005-01-30 Ya-Ya-yah! - Onigokko Returns (full epsiode)
2005-01-16 Shounen Club - KAT-TUN image battle & Concert backstage report (clip)
2005-01-16 Ya-Ya-yah! -  Love quiz & Ya-Ya-yah solo concert (full episode)
2005-01-03 Zubari Iu Wa Yo - Tsubasa as the guest (clip)
2004-12-19 Ya-Ya-yah! - Santa comes to visit (full episode) ***the clips says December 12?
2004-11-14 Shounen Club - NEWS talk about loneliness (clip)
2004-11-14 Ya-Ya-yah! - Onigokko Survival (ful episode)
2004-11-07 Ya-Ya-yah! - Hypnotism (full episode)
2004-10-03 Shounen Club - Ryo & Yoko share toothbrushes (clip)
2004-10-03 Ya-Ya-yah! - Pranks on Tegoshi (full episode)
2004-09-05 Domoto Kyoudai - TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya (full episode)
2004-08-27 Music Station - Arashi part (clip)
2004-08-10 Gakkou e Ikou - Tackey plays games with V6 (clip)
2004-07-11 Ya-Ya-yah! - Big summer swimming event (full episode)
2004-06-20 Ya-Ya-yah! - Pranks on Taiyo (full episode)
2004-06-13 Ya-Ya-yah! - Scaredy-cat contest & look-a-likes (full episode)
2004-05-10 HEY!x3 - NEWS part (clip)
2004-05-09 Shounen Club - NEWS talk & PV intro (clip)
2004-05-09 Shounen Club - Jin's Attate Pon quiz (clip)
2004-03-14 Shounen Club - NEWS character updates (clip)
2004-03/04 Ya-Ya-yah! - KusaNo!man segments from 3 shows & PrintClub segment (clips)
2004-02-08 Shounen Club - NEWS, Detective Toma & Yamapi's 1st love (clips)
2004-01-20 Gakkou e Ikou - Yamapi & V6 play word games (clip)
2004-1/2/3  Ya-Ya-yah! - Shoon & Massu's AiQ Skits sements from Ya-Ya-yah! show (clips)
2003-12-22 HEY!x3 - NEWS (clip)
2003-12-21 Ya-Ya-yah! - Hand bells concert (full episode)
2003-12-14 Shounen Club - 3 Santas skit & Kanjani medley (clip)
2003-11-07 Grapevine (Budou no Ki) drama ft. Yamapi (mini drama) *Reccommended*
2003-11-02 Ya-Ya-yah! - Law quiz (full episode)
2003-12-22 HEY!x3 - NEWS part (clip)
2003-10-27 HEY!x3 - NEWS part (clip)
2003-09-28 Ya-Ya-yah! - Hakone hot springs trip pt.2 (full episode)
2003-09-14 Shounen Club - Ryo vs. Ueda + other random bits (clip)
2003-07-25 Hanamaru Cafe - Yamapi as the guest (clip)
2003-07-04 Tokusen Entertainment Watch - Yamapi & Nino promoting "Stand Up" (clip)
2003-06-08 Shounen Club - Ryo vs. Ueda etc. (clip)
2003-05-18 Shounen Club - How Yamapi got his name (clip)
2003-03-23 Ya-Ya-yah! - Trip to Universal Studios Japan pt.2 (full episode)
2003-03-16 Ya-Ya-yah! - Trip to Universal Studios Japan pt.1 (full episode)
2002-08-31 Hadaka no Shounen - Jin, Koki & Taguchi bake tiramisu (clip)
2002-05/10 Tackey & Tsubasa Hatachi debut concert
2002-02-03 Domoto Kyoudai - TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya (full episode)
2001-08-06 Domoto Kyoudai - Arashi (full episode)
2001-04-21 Hadaka no Shounen - Jin, Hasejun & Jimmy in the bath (clip) ***the clip says April 28, 2001?
2001-02-14 Sugao 3 concert (concert & backstage video)
2001 & 2002 Koichi's plan to produce J-Support (17 clips)
1999-12-?? YamaP and his mom's trip to Hakone (clip)
1999-11-24 Guess who is YamaP's mom (clip)
1999-10-24 Bye-bye (mini drama)
1999-05/06 Ppoi! (mini drama)
1998-11-22 Boys...Be Jr. - Yamapi's first date (mini drama clip)

- Kowai Nichiyoubi - Scary Sunday series (mini dramas) -
* Ep 5 (8 Aug, 1999) Don't Move It! (Aiba Masaki & Nakamaru Yuuichi)
* Ep 9 (4 Sept, 1999) The Last Juice (Tanaka Koki)
* Ep 10 (11 Sept, 1999) Used Clothing Store & Approved Tale (Matsujun & Yokoyama You)
* Ep 11 (Review) (18 Sept, 1999) Girl in the 8mm Video (Subaru) + Pizza Delivery (Furuya)

* Ep 1 (3 Oct, 1999) The Woman Next Door (Imai Tsubasa) &  Mother's Photo (Hasegawa Jun)
* Ep 2 (10 Oct, 1999) Security Guard (Uesato Ryota) & Tale Heard in a Taxi (Tanaka Koki)
* Ep 3 (17 Oct, 1999) Starfish (Akanishi Jin) & Person Standing in a Dream (Koba Ken) & From Africa (Yasuda Shota & Maruyama Ryuhei)
* Ep 4 (24 Oct, 1999) Bye-Bye ~Farewell to a treasured dog and the miracle that occurred then~" (Nishikido Ryo)

* Ep 7 (14 Nov, 1999) - Finder (Hagiwara Yukito) & Voice (Nakegawa)
* Ep 8 (21 Nov, 1999) Idol (Furuya) & Copy (Miyagi) & (Imai Tsuabsa)
* Ep 10 (5 Dec, 1999) Dream (Nakamaru Yuuichi)
* Ep 13 (26 Dec, 1999) Present (Ikuta Toma)
* Ep 13 (26 Dec, 1999) Doppelganger (Yamashita Tomohisa & Tanaka Koki)

-2000 SERIES-
* Ep 10 (10 Sept, 2000) Messenger From My Memory (Yasuda Shota & Ohkura Tadayoshi)
* Ep 11 (17 Sept, 2000) Examining Room (Masuda Takahisa)

* Ep 21 (26 Nov, 2000) Another World Exists -Final- (Akanishi Jin & Hasejun)

- Mokuyou no Kaidan - Kaiki Club elementary school series (mini drama) -
Epsiode 1 What Hanako Was Seeking (19 Oct, 1995)
Episode 2 Vanishing People (26 Oct, 1995 - or maybe 2 Nov, 1995 ??)
Episode 3 Kokkori's Curse (9 Nov, 1995)
Episode 4 The Woman in the Ghost Picture (18 Nov, 1995)
Episode 5 The Mummy's Curse (25 Nov, 1995)
Episode 6 Night in the Haunted House (Dec, 1995)
Episode 7 The Evil TV (11 Jan, 1995)

Episode 8 The Tatami Room (18 Jan, 1995/1996)
Episode 9  Doppleganger (25 Jan, 1996)
Episode 10 The Flaming Doll (1 Feb, 1996)

Episode 11 Bloody Valentines (8 Feb, 1996)
Episode 12 The Trainee Ghost (15 Feb, 1996)
Episode 13 Sleepwalking (22 Feb, 1996)
Episode 14 The Leap Year Miracle (29 Feb, 1996)

Episode 15 Space Invasion pt.1 (7 March, 1996)
Episode 16 Space Invasion pt.2 (14 March, 1996)

not in the list... [or i am just being baka that i didn't see it in the list? O.o
"HEY!HEY!HEY!" (28 July, 2008) HeySay!JUMP part & "Bouken Rider" performance
"HEY!HEY!HEY!" (28 July, 2008) V6 part & "Tokonatsu" performance
The Shounen Club (11th Feb, 2007) Yamapi talk, Jr. Miracle Challenge, Ya-Ya-yah performance
2007-11-02 Music Station "Minisuite" - NEWS part
*BONUS* "Mini Music Station" featuring Kanjani 8
IT IS DONE NOW~ enjoy ^^ NOT YET DONE!!! ~one more clip O.o~
give me until tomorrow to finish it because it is so many O.o  XD

it keeps me going >.<

tell me if there are wrong links ^^ i can't checked all links because my connection really pisses me off =|
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