Columbine & Chonut....same old, same old

Apr 20, 2007 10:30

Well....not excusing the Columbine morons or Chonut, but now that it's coming out- like the Columbine morons, that Cho was picked on and bullied doesn't come as a giant suprise.

Aside from what I've been saying: If Chonut had the rage but only access to a carrot, he could only have stabbed 33 people with a carrot, most of them probably would have survived. Instead, having legal access (great going NRA and cohorts and the gunshops) to weapons turned the carrot into live ammunition--

I do wonder what the bullies of the Columbine morons or Chonut are thinking now:
Regret? Nah....bullies never see themselves as guilty of anything.
But that's too bad. If that lesson were learned- It might prevent future alienated kids that turn into raging monsters.

Some of the teachers obviously saw problems early on, but had no way to truly intervene in a free (relative) society.

Sadly, as long as alienated kids who have access to guns exist in America, one can only imagine this happening more and more as time goes on. With all the media attention given to Chonut, it unfortunately only encourages more alienated youths what kind of immortality they could gain if they want to go out in a 'blaze of glory' (in their minds). Glad that there IS a media backlash at Virginia now that's making the media realize that they're NOT helping right now in the 'healing process'.

It's said that it takes a village to raise a child.
The converse is probably also true: without a village, without a place to belong, a child can fall into the cracks and become a real monster oneday.

I find it odd that Virginia wants a moment of silence to mourn the loss and insanity. I would think that it should have a moment to scream at the rage of how we can't all get along in the first place and not ever have this kind of thing happen, over and over again.

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