
Feb 07, 2007 23:02

I've been writing lyrics for my favorite man of action, Zach Action. Apparently he doesn't like writing lyrics, isn't good at it and something else(writes slowly?). Anyway, I'm thinking of trying to fit the concept of feeling drunk because of having the hiccups. I'm not sure how to put that in good sounding lyrics, but it will happen or I'll know the reason why.

Other news, my Media Dock for DS came in and it's awesome. I put the last three books of the Dark Tower on there and then put Moon and Antarctica on there too. The problem is that I combined all the 70 minute long sections of audiobook into huge ~550 minute sections and so the least I can rewind or fast forward at a time is 5 minutes. That's going to suck if I miss a sentence or two. Maybe I'll split it up again.
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