You have legs, you should damn well use them.

Apr 16, 2012 12:32

It's Monday! Only four more do-dos until we leave for the weekend! Heck yes!

But the real reason I am here is for a bitch.

There is this girl on FB, and every day, or every other day she is asking for someone to give her a ride to a doctor's appointment either in town, or Ottawa, or for groceries. Or whatever.  Sometimes she'll even put it out there, that if someone has a car available but doesn't want to go out of town, she does have a liscence so could just borrow someone's car. Yeah.

The point is she is asking FB for a ride all the damned time, and it is always during the day, during the week.

So rarely she gets a response because people are WORKING or don't have access to a car as their spouse is working oor just don't have a damned car.

So now she is all pissy pants saying all of *yous* who call yourselves friends are only friends when *yous* want something and she is deleting her FB over it today.

Ummmmm okay? How about you walk, or take your bike, or take the city bus OR cab it.

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