Oct 10, 2005 19:22

Alright soooo basically i just had one of the best weeks of my life...its kinda almost tied with the best month of my life that i spent with my cuz.
Anywho the week started off on sunday when i woke up at like 7am to goto the airport to leave for ottawa which i was totally excited for...and on the way there rheanne was driving right beside us but i didn't know who she was until i met her in the aiport...so we basically waited around till like 9 to catch are plane which was on west jet which is the best airline ever! Anyways there was about 13 of us waiting for the plane to take off and we're all from diffrent places and like grades 10-12 and we all clicked pretty good.
So we finally get in ottawa where we get picked up by this ewc man and we wait for like ever to get our baggage then once we finally get it we sit around for ever and a day to get on the bus to go to the center...
once we got to the center it was total confusion no one really knew what was going on and the hole night people were arriving at diffrent times.
so we found out what floor and bed/locker we were on. so i was on the 3rd floor bed 348 we were right accross from the guys dorm hehehe lol anywho so basically every day to get up and down stairs i had to climb 3 flights of stairs and first thing in the morning thats not cool.!
So the next day we all make friends super quick cuz what else are u gunna do sit there being a loner uuuh no! so we get the low down on everything and then we like goto parliment which is the most horribly boring thing in the world lol but its super nice looking just like ottawa super clean...THEY HAVE NO CONVIENCE STORES IN DOWNTOWN OTTAWA! that was pretty up setting....but ya that night we went for a walk in downtown ottawa and it was crazy hot outside....and the rest of the week it was like diffrent activites u went to hockey games,u went for walks they basically kept you really busy so it was super fun...
now for the people everyone was soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice....i got pretty close to alot of people like megan,jess,warren,skinny,jamie,alex,alyman,ashley,tom,ginger,shannon just a lot of people lol.
we gave everyone nicknames it was super fun!
The saying of the week was SEX ON lol
but ya i g2g so i'll write more l8er
luv danica
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