Back from the sea

Jul 20, 2010 20:27

-Got this from dearxjessy .

Ask me these 7 questions (fill in the blanks):

1. What do you think of _____________ ?
2. When did you last ____________?
3. __________ or ___________ and why?
4. What did you ______________?
5. What's your favorite ______________?
6. How would you ______________?
7. Who would you most like to ________ ?

-My parents and I came back from ( Read more... )

7 questions, world cup overview

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Comments 30

singingrain5 July 20 2010, 17:59:06 UTC
1. What do you think of me lol jk SPIDERS? 8D (first thing in my head)
2. When did you last go swimming?
3. Winter or summer and why?
4. What did you love as a kid that you don't like anymore?
5. What's your favorite actor?
6. How would you spend a million dollars if you got it?
7. Who would you most like to kiss?


crazy4t July 21 2010, 14:58:35 UTC
1) I don't like spiders! They are disgusting, creepy!
2) Two days ago, during our trip.
3) Summer all the way! My favourite season! 3 months of freedom, good weather, sea -that's all I need!
4) Difficult..Um, eggs? I only eat the yolk now.
5) Can't choose. Johnny Depp, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant..
6) I would get books, DVDs, a Wii console, I would travel..I would save some, of course.
7) T! If we are talking about famous people, our Sakis Rouvas would be a fine choice.


so_severus July 20 2010, 18:44:49 UTC
1. What do you think of the US?
2. When did you last see a movie that made you cry?
3. Cats or dogs and why?
4. What did you think I was going to ask (haha I'm tired)?
5. What's your favorite movie?
6. How would you like your life to be 15 years from now?
7. Who would you most like to shoot in the face ?


crazy4t July 21 2010, 15:54:55 UTC
1)I don't have a problem with the people in general, but I think that the politicians messed up the world. I have never travelled there, but I would like to.
2) Two months ago or sth, when I saw "Up".
3) Dogs! They are friendlier and nicer!
4) Something about Harry Potter. :P
5) I have several favourite movies. For example, Miss Congeniality and Love Actually.
6) I wanna be happy and healthy, and to be around all the people I love. Hopefully with a good man, too.
7) Haha, nobody. Although, I did hate my Junior High School PE teacher..:P


chocflavorbean July 20 2010, 19:28:51 UTC
1. What do you think of Justin Bieber?
2. When did you last travel abroad?
3. Day or night and why? (I was going to ask cats or dogs too, lol.)
4. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
5. What's your favorite book?
6. How would you describe the perfect vacations?
7. Who would you most like to go on a date with?


crazy4t July 25 2010, 15:17:23 UTC
1) Ok, I had no idea who that was. But google search helped a lot. I guess his music is in right now, isn't it? I've only listened to a couple of songs and I think he is ok. I don't hate him, but I don't love him either. What do you think?
2) I have never travelled abroad. :/
3)I think that my favourite time of day is the evening. I am not very energetic in the morning.
4) Pizza!
5) The Harry Potter books! I used to say "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", but I'm not sure now. I can't choose.
6) Sun, beach, luxurious hotels, lots of ice cream, being with my friends, seeing T, lots of pictures.
7) My beloved T...I doubt he would want that, though. *sigh*


gold_dragontsu July 23 2010, 00:22:13 UTC
Well, I'm going to fill in these questions fully realizing that I still owe you a 5-question survey. However, this is easier since I'm forced into a guideline. :}

1. What do you think of abstract art?
2. When did you last do something you felt was out of character?
3. Renting a place or owning a home and why?
4. What did you do to challenge yourself/grow as a person this week?
5. What's your favorite old-school game (could be a board game, card game, video game, etc... but something that's been around for a while)?
6. How would you prepare a fruit salad?
7. Who would you most like to meet from the Greek football team? (Note: I had to go out of my way to come up with a question that I didn't think you'd answer with "T". :} Note #2: No one can top so_severus' question #7. ;)

Nice work on all of your exams! Hopefully you are satisfied after all of the concerns. :}

Favourite players: Diego Forlan, Iker CasillasBoth had solid tournaments. Forlán I guess got the Golden Ball in addition to being a Golden Boot candidate... and Casillas... I mean ( ... )


crazy4t July 29 2010, 12:29:31 UTC
I'm going to fill in these questions fully realizing that I still owe you a 5-question survey.
Good , good. I thought you were gonna skip this infinitely. :P But, yes, this is easier. For you.

1) I don't really like abstract art. I don't want to spend time trying to guess what the artist felt, thought at that moment. I want to be able to see it right away. I mostly like landscapes.

2) I don't do things that are out of character. :p Seriously, I can't think of anything. I'll get back to you when I think of something.

3) Owning a home, I guess. I know it's harder and I wouldn't feel comfortable taking such a huge bank loan, but in the end, living in my house/flat would be a much better feeling ( ... )


Part 1 of 3 gold_dragontsu July 30 2010, 23:46:10 UTC
Good , good. I thought you were gonna skip this infinitely.

You probably think the same thing about my Greek homework assignment... as well as the "draw a place you want to visit" meme. The latter I started a long time ago, but I'm perfectionistic and haven't made the time to work on it. I'm the slowest artist ever. :(

But, yes, this is easier. For you.

For me? When you put it that way, it just makes me want to create the most challenging questions of all time for the 5-question survey. ;) It's like, "Suppose through some twisted fate, T receives a painful electrical shock every time you think about him. Describe in detail what type of day you would plan for yourself in order to avoid thinking about him, thus preventing him from suffering."

Can you answer the questions, too?Yes I can, but I'm not going to. :P ( ... )


Re: Part 1 and 2 crazy4t August 5 2010, 11:07:13 UTC
You probably think the same thing about my Greek homework assignment... as well as the "draw a place you want to visit" meme.
:) Well, yes. But congrats on your memory skills! I believe that most people would have forgotten them. Ok, the drawing meme may be more difficult, but the homework I gave you doesn't require more than 10 minutes (most of which you'll spend trying to find that message and rereading the theory I wrote for you).

It's like, "Suppose through some twisted fate, T receives a painful electrical shock every time you think about him. Describe in detail what type of day you would plan for yourself in order to avoid thinking about him, thus preventing him from suffering."
That's a bad bad question. I suffered just reading it.

If it's supposed to be open ended, I think there are other more effective and productive ways to evoke open ended thought.Yes. With abstract art 10 different people can get 10 different meanings from a painting. What's the point? I'm not impressed by something like that. Also I don't enjoy ( ... )


charminghearts July 23 2010, 04:06:36 UTC
1. What do you think of Harry Potter?
2. When did you last travel somewhere by airplane?
3. City or country and why?
4. What did you eat for breakfast?
5. What's your favorite season?
6. How would you spend the PERFECT day?
7. Who would you most like to bring back from the dead?


crazy4t July 25 2010, 14:38:42 UTC
1) The books in general? Simply magical! :) The protagonist, I think he is very brave, a very good and caring friend, a unique boy.
2) Christmas of 2008. I went to Athens.
3) City. I want to be close to all the facilities, stores, etc. and far away from all the weird insects and reptiles.
4) My usual choice is corn flakes with milk.
5) Easy one! Summer! As I wrote before: freedom, warm weather, sea!
6) Hm, I would be with the man I love (T!) and we would talk endlessly. We would walk on the beach, we would watch the stars, we would take pictures...
7) I haven't lost many beloved people , so I don't know. Perhaps a stranger, a kid that left this world too quickly.


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