water, history and weird sound

Dec 11, 2007 18:16

 Why do I keep having glasses full of water on my desk? I wonder. Well, because it is next to my bed and water is sometimes nice during the night. But why don't I remove it every time I turn my PC on? I wonder again. Because I am naive.Or too lazy. Once I accidentally pushed it a little and next thing I knew...all the water lied on me. More than once I found my left sleeve wet and the source was the same. And now I am sitting here with my feet on the bed because the floor underneath me is full of water and  fragments. Damn! It was a nice glass. ~I wasn't gonna write about that but it happened out of the blue and it inspired me.

Today at school...I got 94/100 in History! Yeah, baby! I agree with the teacher that the questions were kind of ridiculously easy. I could have got 100. The one "mistake" was not a mistake basically. It was all her fault really. The other one was -I admit- just stupid of me since I knew the right one.  And while I was thinking that she was very strict about that, she announced: "And my grading was very lenient!" Ha ha! Yeah, I saw that, Mrs! Is she crazy or something? Anyway, I feel proud of myself since I am not good at History and I wrote so well without cheating (I never cheat anyway).  All of a sudden , she became very angry at some students probably because of something related to the test . And then a mobile phone rang. Dead silence. And she was about to explode. If it had been a movie, smokes would have come out of her ears at that moment. Thank God, she didn't start screaming. But she threw a poor girl(that had the phone under her desk) out. Then my classmates were upset and sticked up for her but the teacher was adamant. They were all loud..it was ugly. Afterwards everyone calmed down and she started teaching the next chapter. In addition, I answered a question for the first time and I think she knows my name now! So, it was a good day for me history-wise. Don't anger her, people! She is nice when we are nice.

Furthermore, yesterday when I turned my computer on, I heard a weird sound coming from it. I was innocent! I hadn't done anything!It happened just like that. It had actually happened in summer. But it was a natural side effect since I had kicked it before. So I was worried. Until it stopped. But I hear it again every time I turn it on! It's quite intense at first and then...it stops. What could that mean? God!

Now...where is the mop?

sound, history, glass, water

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