Sep 27, 2006 21:16
i did start school.
Im in love.
Today i did some hiking...which I have found to be increasingly stress relieving. This campus is lovely...its a little bit tie dye for my taste, but that adds to its appeal i think. I have made a ton of friends thus far...some human...some green....(god save the hippies)
My roommate is awesome...we get along so well and she never sleeps here which makes me exceedingly happy at the end of the day because i do enjoy my privacy. So my psychology 101 class is the shit. So is my Art History class...but i seriously dig my psych class...the professor is rad.
I pretty much live in my room. I found a great little hole in the wall tai food place and i have already been there 3 times...mmhmmm. Also (for a certain know who you are) I have learned to hold a serving tray and skate on roller skates...i am now an official bad ass.
Also. I have been educated on the art of beer pong.
My roommate is the master and I cheered her on the other night.
There really are rules to the game...i didnt know that....and they are not taken lightly b any means. lol.
I have been reading a great deal the last few days and have also been working on some new photography. Im building a website soon and hopefully the new series will be up.
hmmm what else...i get to go see john next weekend with gary and nichole!!!!! im so excited to see him...i feel all lame cause ever since i left we dont really get to talk too much cause its long distance so when i get to talk to him i get all excited. and now i get to go see him so thats even better. We're having dinner somewhere special he says and he told me to dress up in a so excited!!!!!! It could seriously be a pizza place and i would be thrilled.
anyways...thats all for now.
I have psych of gender homework to get to.