Survey stoled from Ty

Sep 10, 2004 23:05


||what do u notice first?|| eyes/smile
||last person u slow danced with|| i don't even remember...
||worst thing to say|| anything behind my back
||do you have a crush|| Yeah...


||Bill Clinton|| cheater
||Love at First Sight|| nope
||Abortion|| depends on the situation
||Pot|| ignorance
||Eating disorders|| you're not fat, get over it
||Rap|| meh...
||Marilyn Manson|| no thank you
||Suicide|| everyone's loved by someone
||Drinking|| No thanks
||Life|| live it to the fullest
||Memory of the year|| my car wreck
||Food|| tortellini
||Potatoes|| twice baked
||Camping|| no shower and no toothpaste for 4 days = bad
||Fish|| swiiiiiim

||Took A Shower|| last night
||Cried|| wednesday
||Watched a Disney movie|| sadly, i dont know
||Received a hug|| like 5 minutes ago from ♥him♥ =D
||Ate spaghetti|| last night
||Went swimming|| *shrugs* dunno

||Where you Want To Live|| small town away from here
||How Many Kids Do You Want|| 2
||What Kind Of Job Do You Want|| music...
||Who do you want to marry|| someone who im in love with that loves me back just as much


||I want|| to make region choir
||I wish|| that ♥he♥ was mine
||I love|| people (most)
||I miss|| my dad
||I fear|| sex...
||how do you know its love?|| that feeling you get...

In The Last 24 Hours Have You...

(_) made a wish
(_) tied your shoes
(_) eaten cake
(x) signed a contract
(_) made something explode
(_) directly and knowingly supported the pornography industry
(_) sent something through the US mail
(_) been very angry
(_) gone a day without eating
(_) stolen something you considered "insignificant"
(x) watched more than three different television shows
(_) prayed
(x) had a conversation that you considered very personally meaningful
(_) been intoxicated by any substance
(_) thrown up
(_) gotten paid
(_) gone a night without sleeping
(_) broken something you like by accident
(_) envied someone very strongly
(_) finished an artistic project
(x) hated
(_) fucked
(x) made very loud noise
(x) made noise that was too loud
(x) given a thumbs up
(_) agreed to go to Highland Park, CA within the next week
(_) slept in a bed that is not, or has never been, your own
(_) sampled (up to interpretation)
(_) listened to Pat Benatar's "Love Is a Battlefield
(_) been drunk.
(_) smoked pot.
(x) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
(_) rode in a taxi.
(_) been dumped.
(_) been fired.
(_) been in a fist fight.
(_) had a threesome - kissing or otherwise
(_) snuck out of my parent's house.
(_) been arrested.
(_) made out with a stranger.
(_) stole something from my job.
(_) celebrated new years in times square.
(_) went on a blind date.
(_) lied to a friend.
(_) had a crush on a teacher.
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
(_) been to europe.
(_) skipped school.

[ a b o u t m e ]
[name ] : Chelsea
[ birthday ] : May 17, 1988
[ location ] : Humble
[ height ] : 5'1"
[ siblings ] : Kristin; 18
[ pets ] : 3 cats
[ eye color ] : blue (ive gotten compliments on that lately)
[ hair color ] : blonde
[ best feature ] : smile and eyes
[ artistic? ] : not at all
[ boyfriend/girlfriend now ] : no im being patient
[ crush ] : yeah
[ color of your room ] : purple
[ hobbies ] : band, choir (singing), music in general, friends, ♥him♥
[ what were you doing 15 mins ago ]: being held in ♥his♥ arms
[ what are you wearing now ] : my monkey boxers, underwear, built in bra tank top
[ you drink ] : diet sprite
[ you shy or outgoing ] : outgoing
[ had fun this summer ]: yeperoo
[ feature you notice first ]: eyes and smile
[ looks/personality ] : sense of humor
[ piercings ] : none please
[ tan or fair ] : tan... in some places. still fair in others
[ age difference limit ] : 6 yrs?
[ smart/dumb ] : smart
[ funny/serious ]: depends on the time

[ m o r e a b o u t m e... ]
[ chocolate milk, or hot chocolate ] : hot chocolate
[ mcdonalds or burger king ] : mcdonalds
[ coke or pepsi ] : coke
[ would you wanna marry your best friend, or the perfect lover ]: it'd be cool if my best friend WAS the perfect lover...
[ tea/coffee/cappuccino ] : tea
[ cats or dogs ] : cats
[ milk, dark, or white chocolate? ] : milk
[ sunny or rainy ] : rainy
[ summer/spring ] : spring
[ vanilla or chocolate ] : vanilla
[ biking or blading ] : biking
[ cereal or toast ] : cereal
[ fav. genre of music ] : popish??
[ bunk or water bed ] : water (wish i had one of those suckers)

[ r e l a t i o n s... ]
[ Best friend(s) ] : Britt, Merryn, Ashley, John, Kevin, Marie, Julian, Rachel, Joe
[ Friends that you look like ] : kinda Britt...
[ Who you go to for advice the most ] : Joe and Merryn
[ should talk to more ] : John
[ skinniest ] : John or Kevin
[ loudest ] : Marie
[ craziest ] : Rachel
[ funniest ] : Brittany
[ nicest ] : Julian
[ shortest ] : me
[ tallest ] : Joe
[ changed your life the most ] : Merryn
[ prepiest ] probably me...
[ known the longest ] Merryn
[ most outgoing ] Marie

[ f a v e s...]
[ color ] : lime green
[ movie ] : Moulin Rouge
[ subject ] : band; actual subject- chemistry
[ ocean or pool ] : pool
[ laugh or cry ] : laugh
[ silver or gold ] : silver
[ diamonds or pearls ] : diamonds
[ sunset or sunrise ] : both, please
[ showers or baths ] : showers
[ food ] : mexican, italian, chinese
[ snack ]: ice cream
[ card game ] : egyptian rat screw
[ all-time song ] : When You Say You Love Me
[ current song ] : Whiseky Lullaby
[ rap song ] : Get Low or Big Butts
[ holiday ] : Christmas
[ movie star ] : Julia Roberts
[ magazine ] : those clothes ones
[ tv show ] : Roseanne
[ Disney character ] : Arielle (The Little Mermaid)
[ animal ] : cat
[ drink ] : dr. pepper
[ cologne ]: curve oh man, i will sooo pounce if a guy wears that
[ perfume ] : heavenly from victoria secret
[ brand of sneaker ] : walmart??
[ activity ] : choir
[ fruit ] : banana
[ juice ] : apple juice

[ d o y o u ...? ]
[ do you like school ] : not unless its choir or band
[ do you like to talk on the phone ] : yep
[ do you have your own phone line ] : nope
[ do you like to dance ] : yeah, but i suck at it lol

[ l a s t t i m e y o u ... ]
[ last time u showered ]: last night
[ went running]: like... 8th grade? haha
[ worked out ] : every day's a work out w/ band
[ danced like a frickin idiot ] : today
[ went to a movie ] : last saturday
[ talked on the phone ] : 9:30ish
[ wished u were sumbody else ] : all the time

[ r a n d o m... ]
[ where would you love to travel to? ] : England and Ireland
[ whats ur middle name? ] : Nicole
[ is ur hair color natural? ]: blonde
[ do u have a cell phone? ] : yeah
[ whats ur online screen name ] : MsPoofyMcCheeky
[ what do u want to do with your life? ] : something w/ music
[ last time u went bowling ] : i have noooo diea
[ are u any good at bowling ] : nope but i love it
[ last time u went to the doctor ] : beginning of august
[ do u have a credit card ] : nu uh
[ do u consider urself a "nice" person ] : yep
[ last book ] : The Inferno
[ are u stressed out? ] : a lot of times, yes
[ do u believe in angels? ] : no
[ what are u driving now? ] : nothing... car's in the shop
[ do u think ur spoiled? ] : can be
[ do u like mustard? ] : no
[ ketchup? ] : yep
[ mayo? ] : yeah
[ have u seen the exorcist? ] : yeah
[ how bout dumb & dumber? ] : yeah
[ ever been skydiving? ] : nope
[ number of piercings ] : 2 in each ear

Ten Things I Love:
10. Brittany
09. band
08. Merryn
07. singing
06. Joe
05. food
04. John
03. movies
02. Ashley
01. music

Nine Things I Miss:
9. dad
8. sleep
7. not having homework
6. huffman
5. I Dream of Jeanie
4. summer
3. The Munsters
2. I Love Lucy
1. Bewitched

Eight Things I Want To Do Eventually:
8. graduate
7. go to TLU
6. meet somebody
5. get married
4. have at least 2 kids
3. have a job i actually enjoy
2. get some sleep
1. get my homework done

Seven Things You Dislike:
7. certain idiots
6. homework
5. certain teachers
4. on level english
3. honors algebra (the people are still stupid)
2. poop
1. being tired

Six Favorite Stores:
6. WalMart
5. Claire's/Icing
4. Hot Topic
3. Barnes and Noble
2. Sears

Five Songs I Can Hear Over and Over:
5. Broken
4. Whiskey Lullaby
3. Low
2. A Moment Like This
1. Anytime

Four Words That Describe Me:
4. quirky
3. outgoing
2. loving
1. sexy

Three Things I Want To Change:
3. This whole war thing
2. my car
1. my piccolo

Two Kinds of People I want to Disappear:
2. skanky skanks
1. man whore pimps

One Thing I Want:
1. ♥ HIM ♥

♥ Chelsea
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