Its been awhile

Jul 27, 2004 17:42

im in maui right now. sry i havnt updated it a while... i really havnt had a real reason but rach told me i had to so here i am. here is my typical day
8-wake up
9- go to the beach
12-go to the driving range

thats about it. i played golf yesturday (monday) i didnt play bad... im becoming more confident with my swing which is good. i havnt met anybody here but i still have another week. im really torn cuase its like i want 2 meet some hot girls but im never gonna see them again so there is really no point but w/e we will c what happeneds. april is in maui now i guess. i think she is coming in today and is staying about 2 miles from me so we may b able 2 hang out which would kewl.
i need to find myself a girl cause i have to much time on my hands to b bored and too much time to think.

thats all i can think of.


P.S. u can check out where im staying by going to there is a web cam that u cna move and if u look carefully u may even be able 2 c me.
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