Lj Rant (or The more things change, the more they remain the same...)

Apr 23, 2016 07:01

I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would check in on Lj.  Post some pics and a short summary of my recent vacation...   So I grab my iPad and access LJ, start my post, three paragraphs, not long, but just enough. Then I decide that I'll add pics of my vacation.  BIG MISTAKE!
FIrst I clicked the "camera" icon... in error. I cancelled and got back to my post. All is well. Then I clicked the "picture" icon and I was asked to allow LJ to access my photos, I clicked "OK". And....... POOF! I'm suddenly logged out of LJ altogether!  No worries, I figure when I re-open and click on post to your journal, I'll get the usual "Restore your previous draft?" like we used to get when a post was started and never actually posted.  Nope!  Nada... nothing... it's gone.  *grrrrrrrr*

AND THIS WHY I STOPPED POSTING REGULARLY ON LJ... every time I was accessing LJ from my iPad, which is more convenient when sitting on the couch at night, all sorts of issues would happen and I simply gave up. Lj used to be a means of escape, of enjoyment in sharing with online friends moments of our day, our lives, etc. but it became FRUSTRATION every time I tried to access.  Constant changes to the system, often without warning, improper functionality with various devices...  etc etc etc   Is it any wonder LJ had become a ghost town?

Morning has arrived and my available time has come to an end... so I'll try again later.

rant, lj

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