what the hell????

Aug 12, 2014 12:32

F*ck me!  I miss checking in a few days and LJ takes on an entirely new format?  I can't make sense of it on my iPad.
Where are the journals I like to check out on a regular basis? Where IS everything?
Damn you LJ.
My very first day of vacay (yesterday) and I couldn't even enjoy  a little fic reading b/c I COULDN'T FIND IT!
And WHERE the fuck is the POST button?  All I see is "ADD" and it tells me I've got the wrong metadata shite....
I had hoped to bring my iPad on vacay with me to do a little reading and catching up on LJ.
Why can't some things remain constant... not all, but some????

*end of rant* *reaches for another drink*


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