Some people never seem to age...

Apr 30, 2010 01:15

It strikes me how youthful Tom Welling still looks, despite his 33rd birthday celebrated earlier this week.

I had to go find a pic of Ewan to compare.

So I found this one taken in 2004, when Ew was 33, and here is birthday boy Tom in a recent episode of Smallville, probably just shy of his 33rd birthday.

Do they both look 33 to you?

* * *

In other news, I am glad to report that the snow that blanketed our lawn only yesterday and caused power outages, is all gone and the sun is shining again. Whew! That was weird.

It was odd to see my few tulips (only a handful have popped up) surrounded and topped with snow! I almost took a picture... yep, almost. Too lazy and upset with the weather to actually do it.

Am also in a funny place workwise... lots to do, but lacking in motivation. Working for yourself is a tough call sometimes. Oh well... I'll get there.


actors actresses etc., work

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