Mar 26, 2004 21:27
tOday was a weird day..very interesting tOO bad you wOnt knOw all the details =I hehehe, first i wake up to findout im goin to the doctor, so once i shower we leave and i go and end up gettin all these test appointments, and they did an xray of my chest =X because ive been complainin of chests pains but ill leave it at that...
second im mad that im nice to ppl that i shouldnt be. not just one person eitehr, EVERYONE. well everyone that i dont like that im nice too lol. as well as others. i dont like sayin names so i wont but one day im gonna get real fed up lol. till then let me just say that tlakin about me behind my back isnt hurtin me or anythin so go next DONT TOUCH MY DAMN STEREO lol this part is referrin to my grandma lol i know she may not like me all that much or w/e or just be mad cuz i dont like her james (my cousis' son) but if my music is botherin her then shit say somethin dont wait till i leave my room to fuck with my stereo...mofo...MOVIN ON!
shit so much stuff went on today and now i cant remember....oh yes, as soon as im stable enough to move out im gettin the fuck out of highland park =/ i dont care if its not as bad as other neighborhoods....the point is whether you want to hear it or not we're in the HOOD =I luckily though, lol im on a good st. BUT either way im gettin out, too much shit happens around here. Me and my brother were talkin about that the other day and i realized he kinda wants to get the fuck outta here too, but i hope he doesnt, not until i leave too lol =).
Everone needs to stop treatin me like im dyin too =/ cuz im not, and im not depressed either stfu and be mean lol
Why did everything happen once my best friend leaves? >sigh<
thats all...