Sep 03, 2008 10:25
Well it has been a long time since I posted... I have been very sick for the past month with some kind of flu thing that kicked me into a very severe asthma problem, and combined with that, some family issues, but I am much, much better now.
I still am trying to get a transfer from Kaiser from the Bay Area to where I live (on the weekends for now) near Sacramento. It has proven very difficult and to say the least, I am getting discouraged and frustrated.
On a more positive note, I have gotten my little studio pretty much the way I like it and have been working on some projects. I have a big mosaic mirror I need to finish up with grouting and am very pleased with how it turned out. I have some stained glass work that I am almost finished with as well. I managed to do a couple of ATC swaps, which was a lot of fun. In the meantime, I have been teaching myself how to really use photoshop and am enjoying that a lot. I am trying to put together a family heritage book in time for Christmas and have done a lot of nice layouts. I may only get my mother's side done but that will be half of it. I had very little to go on for that side of the family other than names but thanks to the Internet, I have found a wonderful wealth of information, including lots and lots of pictures we knew nothing about. I even found that one or maybe even the oldest house in Rhode Island belonged to my GGGGGG grandfather (not sure from memory how many greats). It is now all restored and very beautiful and I think a family lives there but it is on the historical list. It was basically a gift for service to a king or something. So, needless to say, it was a great find. There was even blueprints for the original house in the 1600's. I also found pictures of my GGG grandfather, who was in the Mormon Batallion and basically started the town of Provo, Utah and some other town there. I found his old house as well. As well, I found on the Internet pictures of his mother, stepfather, brother, and other family members as well. Mom was thrilled. I'm going to be posting some pics this weekend when I get home of some of these things but I don't have them with me at work because the powers that be decided to scan our computers and remove JPEG files... like that keeps us all honest... lol.
Thats about it for now, I hear the powerful ones creeping around so I better get to work.