May 20, 2008 10:26
Well, almost end of May, and still unemployed. Gandy Dancer was all 'HA WE NOT GONNA CALL YOU, BUT SORRY, WE IS FULL OF SNOOTS!' Bitches. Hopefully I'll find something else. Either that, or I might just resort to selling body parts. How much are kidney's going for, nowadays?
Grats to the Gay/Lesbian community on finally being able to be married!
Oh god, I'm going to the zoo today! They're depressing for some people, I know, but oh how I love them. Penguinariums ftw!
My days have thus consisted of waking up super late in the afternoon, watching CSI, and playing WoW until stupid hours of the morning. Although, even when I'm not playing WoW until stupid hours of the morning, I stay up that late watching bad tv (Thank you, MTV. I can always count on you for some Grade-A quality terrible shows <3). My schedule is so fucked right now, it's hilarious.
Today should be good. Penguinarium, butterfly gardens and HOLY SHIT EDDIE FUCKING IZZARD.
...I'm excited.