Okay, this comic is so much more daunting that I was hoping it would be. Fortunately I’m within site of the end. If my math is right it’s gonna be a doozie for all y’all on dial-up. Current measurements are 8″ x 44″ and about 300 dpi. The file right now is about 120MB. My estimate is that the finished web file will be 720px x 3960px and about 2.7MB. The current estimate is 7 minutes for dial-up. For those of you that read the comic through the feed (i.e. - LiveJournal) I’m only going to link the comic location not the actual image. That’s right. You’re gonna have to click on a link. Sorry.
Anyhow, I’ve spent about 16 hours on it so far. I’m so ready to go back to something relatively normal.
This has been a post from EricIverson.Net to LiveJournal.com
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