strange daze...

May 12, 2005 20:02

Yesterday was a good day. The day before was too. I had 2 days off in a row for the first time in a couple months. I know I had a Saturday and Sunday off last month, but with the 24 hour comics jam it really didn't feel like I had the day off. I'm not even sure what happened that Sunday, the day was there and then it was gone. So yeah, Tuesday end Wednesday I was off and it was nice.

Tuesday was spent lounging around the house for the most part. I did some laundry, backed up the last of the files on my hard drive that were keeping me from doing a complete system wipe with a fresh install, I debated for all of 15 minutes about leaving the house and going downtown. I decided not to. Later on dvrtoa met up with me later that night and we went to see "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy." It was most excelent. It almost made me want to use the word Belgium repeatedly. Cause it's just this Belgium great movie, ya know?

Last night, being a Wednesday, I went to the Betty show. On my way there I saw duffy61 finishing up at The Black Drop. Seeing it gave me this odd feeling of all is right and good in the world and everything is as it should be. So anyhow, at the show I got hit on and I got kissed. I thought about getting some boozahol but then thought better of it. All in all a good night.

So that brings us to today. I woke up feeling horny as hell. I worked on my computer for a couple hours, in the end being unable to install Adobe CS. So then I gave up and came to work. On the plus side I'm feeling more refreshed, awake, and positive about my life than I have in quite some time.

I really needed the past couple days.
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