Feb 15, 2006 06:20
Being at work makes me want to update these things. I guess because it's better than nothing. I came into work at 1:00 AM and get off at 9:00 AM. That's 8 hours overnight. I really should be getting paid more to sit here and deprive myself of precious sleep. Although, working at night is producive. I wrote a paper, colored, updated my calendar, ran a virus scan, and here I am updating. Gotta love it.
So last Thursday was confusing. Josh and I broke up last Thursday night. We talked a long while about it, and we split. I had figured that I wouldn't be able to stand being around him, and would be mad at him, and not talk to him, as is usually the case. However, it was not. Friday we ate lunch together and had a nice time just talking and such. So that kind of kicked off my weekend.
Rob Fisher drove to Columbus and picked up me and Amanda and drove us to Cincinnati. The car ride was fun, but pretty uneventful. Rob took Amanda home, and then took me to Target to meet Teddy. And that is when the night's festivities began.
So I went with Teddy to Nick's house to hang out. It was Me, Nick, Teddy, Nikki, Anna, and Matt. Some of Nick's friends came later, but they stayed away from everyone who wasn't Nick. What ended up happening was that the couples were sitting together and were all into each other, and Nick was running around being crazy, and I was kind of left alone. I ended up calling Josh and talking to him for a while. This raised quite a few eyes, but I felt the need to talk to him. After that I tried to join the group, but to no avail. I was being ignored. So I went into the garage and called Robby, a friend from Maryland, and talked to him for a while. After sitting in the garage for about an hour, I came back out to hear them all talking about me. So I came in and sat on the steps, a bit away from them. Anna came over to ask me what was wrong, assuming it was Josh. But Josh was not the problem, it was the couples. I didn't want to tell Anna that, because it's wrong of me to tell her she can't have her time with Matt. She hardly sees him and should be able to enjoy her time with him. With having broken it off with Josh 24 hours prior, I was a bit sensitive to couples and was not appreciative of being ignored. I ended up snapping at Anna and disappeared to the garage once more. I called my mom to try and wake her up, but she never answered. I got my stuff and left, trying to call people who I thought might be awake. I got ahold of Corey, and he picked me up from the street. I had to stand on the corner for a while though, and ended up talking to Josh. We told funny stories to each other. It was fun. So Corey took me to my house and I stayed the night there. My mom could have cared less. She was kind of excited actually, beacuse she thought she might get to see me. But that didn't work out.
Mom left for work before I even woke up. I watched TV for about an hour, and then Matt Meyer called, picked me up, and we went to Wal-Mart to meet Teddy and Nikki. I bought a ton of random stuff, including Darth Tater, coloring books, crayons, dry erase markers, and candy. Good times. After that, Matt and I went to McDonald's, then we all went to Nick's. This time it was Me, Nick, Teddy, Nikki, Matt, and Corey. Some of Nick's friends came over for a while, but again, avoided us. They left after a bit. The rest of us watched movies and played video games, and just hung out. It was fun.
The next morning I woke up and got picked up by Rob Fisher. Amanda was not ready to go yet, because we had some technical difficulties in communications. So Rob and I went to Skyline for some lunch. After that we picked up Amanda and headed to Columbus.
We got back to Columbus and rushed to band. We changed, got Starbucks, and were off to the Women's basketball game, which we won. It was a pretty fun game. Not terrible really. I got to leave early. Ran from there to work, because we had a meeting for scheduling and such. That wasn't bad. My hours aren't completely terrible. Then again, it's me. I feel like I'm taking light weekend hours. But according to Jamie they aren't light at all. Hey, the more hours, the more money. I need money. Gotta pay off my loans.
After work I went to Josh's room and we watched Sum of All Fears. It was confusing, and I fell asleep a few times. I was pretty exhausted after my eventful weekend. Josh was being a bit flirty and close with me, and it confused me. He seemed to want to cuddle, and I wasn't really sure why. I went back to my room, and ended up asking him up to talk. We were discussing things, and ended up talking about many different things. And then after it all, we ended up kissing. Maybe it was a freak accident, maybe it was force of habit, or maybe we just really are that attracted to each other. Who knows. This left me more confused than ever.
The next day, Monday, I tried to forget about the kissing. I went to class and lunch as usual. Then off to work to do mail. After mail I hung with Josh. We ate, we watched TV, nothing special. I tried to talk to him about the confusion, and he seemed as confused as I was. No good.
Tuesday. Valentine's Day. Gir. I woke up, and did my best to stay positive. I dressed kind of nicer for me, considering all I wear here is a sweatshirt over a t-shirt with jeans. I went to class, then came back and did mail again. Mail wasn't that bad really. I thought it would be a lot worse with Valentine's day. After mail I went to Josh's and ate, and we hung out. We were both being flirty, and ended up kissing again. I must be really bad at this breaking up game. I left because I had to go to band. Band was fun. Good songs, good times. Came back to the dorm and ranted to Josh. He could tell I was having a bad day, that Valentine's Day was getting to me and such. He felt horrible about it and blamed himself, which in turn made me feel even worse. I snacked and then we walked to band. Josh did his best to make me feel better, but I wasn't really open to him helping me. U-Band was pretty good. Waters dared the trumpets to play as loud as we could. I didn't play that loud actually, for me. But I did hit an A without it hurting or anything. Most of you will never understand that statement, but just know that it's a good thing for me. After U-Band, Josh and I were walking back, and he kind of put his arm around me. I voiced my confusion, and he just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. He turned to face me, told me that he loved me, and said that he wanted to be with me. He put his arms around me and kissed me, and it was good. Maybe I'm crazy, but it was nice. We're back together and I'm glad.
We watched Wedding Singer, ate food, watched TV, and then I went to work. And that brings us to here. Oh joy.
So that was my weekend with a little extra added on. My best guess is that this is too long for anyone else to read. But hey, most of you already know this stuff, so it doesn't matter anyway.